Reviews for In the Dark
Weeping Angel Of Fear chapter 1 . 4/24/2011
brilliant story!

oj-angel1573 chapter 1 . 1/11/2011
ummmmm O.o if ya bored an you want to write a quick fan fic, you might a well make it a little more believable. it was pretty normal up until Ariadne was just like "arthur, kiss me" totally out of nowhere. it was stil fun to read, though!
sandie.eggo chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
Aww, this was cute.
heyitsmellie chapter 1 . 12/28/2010
I love this~ Very cute. You're working on a book? Congrats. When is it coming out in stores? Because I CAN'T wait to read more of your work. :D
Deanwimpchester chapter 1 . 12/28/2010
Gotta say, I enjoyed this very much. The only thing that I have a problem with (As if you need to take my suggestions! Faugh!) is at the end when He just goes 'Wanna go out?" It sticks out like a sore thumb with the rest of the story.

Does that make any sense or am I just rambling? Eh, other than that one line, this made me smile.