Reviews for Stumbling
jovysanchez17 chapter 1 . 6/16/2016
It's quite sad that Rapunzel stumbles with the word father all the time. It shows the hidden pain that Tangled has behind the shadows. This story was also a good read, because of how it had given light to how smart Rapunzel is even if she is ignorant about a lot of things. Living in her tower may have deprived her of knowledge about the world, but it was not able to deprive her of her knowledge about herself. She's wise, I'll give credit to her for that. Nice story, keep up the good work! :D
Monica Jasmine chapter 1 . 3/1/2016
I really enjoyed that. Your spelling and grammar was impeccable, and the humor was great! I even laughed. It was a very sweet mother and daughter story. Thanks so much for writing it. :D
bronzed topaz chapter 1 . 8/19/2015
In my head I'm imagining this:

Queen: "Oh by the way, Mr. Fitzherbert, Rapunzel learnt about marriage today."

Eugene promptly drops whatever he's holding (in my mind, I like to see him dropping his fork as he stares shocked at her retreating back)

Pressure, pressure Eugene. Better get on that!
Twinklepuffs chapter 1 . 6/18/2014
Awwww, this was adorable! I can definitely see Rapunzel stumbling over "father." What a strange concept it must be for her.
Preposterousity chapter 1 . 1/18/2014
Oh this is too cute! Everything about it is just absolutely adorable! Once again, you've written a wonderful story. I've enjoyed it so much! :)
LunaEchoWillow chapter 1 . 12/16/2013
Concolor44 chapter 1 . 5/16/2013
Well, one must remember that Rapunzel grew up with a mother (an ersatz mother, but she did fill the position, sort of), but had never had a father until Eugene took her to the palace. So having a bit of hesitation about the concept of the male parent is to be expected.

The Queen and the King, though they never actually say a word in the movie, are two of my favorite characters (for that matter I have better than a dozen Favorite Characters ... that movie got EVERYTHING right!)

Adding to Favorites.
kiuna'yukina chapter 1 . 9/25/2012
Awwww so sweet :) beautiful. I love how you characterized the Queen.
domani guardian chapter 1 . 9/21/2012
Awww, I love how Rapunzel is just beginning to understand the concept of a father, since she's never had one before. That's adorable :)
anonymous-lemonade chapter 1 . 3/4/2012
That. Was. Amazing. I was so worried that your characterization of the Queen would be off... but it was so spot on. I love this story so much. Your dialogue feels natural, the pacing was just right, and the relationship between Rapunzel and her mother is bittersweet in the sense that you can feel an underlining tension between them- one that is not spoken but is undeniably there- and yet you never come out and say it because you bury it under layers of poised veneer, respect for one another, and a longing for them to connect and makeup for all those lost years. It's that subtly that makes this story a true gem. Wonderful work. _
Emma Boulivier chapter 1 . 12/6/2011
This story is so lovely. I can't help but wonder what the king's reaction when Rapunzel pops in asking if he thinks she's found the right man.
Punzie the Platypus chapter 1 . 10/22/2011
Simply amazing! I adored it! Marry her teacher to Shorty? *Tries to hold in laughter but can't* That was hilarious! Great job! Here, have a well deserved cookie!
artloife chapter 1 . 5/28/2011
Tawnyfur chapter 1 . 3/25/2011
I really liked how you portrayed the relationship between Rapunzel and her mother; very mother-daughter-y (if that's a word). It's cute to see the Queen explaining things to Rapunzel that she would have known ages before had all gone normally when she was a baby.

What with the way Rapunzel had trouble saying "Father", I think she ought to spend some more time with the King. Father-daughter bonding anyone?

Very warm, touching story. Well done.
EStrunk chapter 1 . 3/6/2011
Beautiful sweet scene. I love Rapunzel! I can just picture Big Nose's wedding. What a hoot!
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