Reviews for Outshining
Cherriesxoxo2496 chapter 1 . 12/17/2011
Ha, I love this pairing and I like Louis' part in it. I think he'd be like that, either older or younger but still annoying as hell.
Katniss Everdeens chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
I was hesitant to read this because I'm normally a Rose/Scorpius shipper, but I'm glad I read this! I didn't just 'love' it - I ADORED it! Definitely one of my favorites for sure :)
it would be reyna chapter 1 . 4/11/2011
Yay! Finally a writer who has perfect spelling and Grammar! Ok, so that was an awesome story. As every story you write is.
BlueEyes444 chapter 1 . 2/5/2011
Wow. That Amazing. Fantastic. Outstanding! :D
Guest chapter 1 . 1/7/2011
I can't stop reading your writing! It's is so, so amazing! Everything you write is perfectly done, I love it all!
Bittersweet x chapter 1 . 1/5/2011
Aaaaaaaaaaww, okay that was adorable, I am SO happy you agreed to put it back up. :D Quick question: the groom was Teddy, correct? 'Cause Scorp mentioned something about a cousin, and I was like, ? Or is - OH. They are cousins. I forgot. Because Scorpius is - and then - woah, that's weird to think about. Kay, never mind, cool.

I now have to go write a story mentioning the fact that Teddy and Scorpius are cousins. REVELATION. :P
StarUponHeaven chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
Awesome :)
fabricated fantasies chapter 1 . 1/2/2011
Great story, may I just say that I love stories in present tense! Anyway... yeah, well written, believable,cute, but not in that overly sweet way, just yeah... Great story, keep writing!
wishingonlightning chapter 1 . 1/2/2011
Awww you are making me start to really like this pairing. This was very well written and all of your descriptions are wonderful. I'm not the biggest fan of first person, but I loved this, and the whole storyline was just adorable. Awesome job!
whippetgurl chapter 1 . 1/1/2011

I'm flashing back to Fleur in her wedding dress - I really loved her dress :) I'm picturing something kind of like that on Vicka. Haha &hearts

Aw :) "...and honestly, I couldn't be happier for them." That's so sweet! &hearts

Ginger lemonade? Sounds yummy!

Aw, Nika! She sounds absolutely beautiful...haha yeah, Scorpius is kind of a hopeless romantic. :)

Haha, "...because I think I'm in love with a Weasley." Aw :( Stupid family rivalries...

Cheesy and romantic...of course :) Yes, WOULD any other rose smell as sweet! :D

Haha...based on Romeo and Juliet, but the singer probably didn't read the play? Tsk, tsk. xD

Ooh! A flower shaped opal! That sounds absolutely gorgeous, especially the way you describe it! *applause*

Okay, yeah - the imagery you use to describe how it fits Dominique is stunning and it just completely draws me in! *more applause! &hearts &hearts &hearts

"She looks a hell of a lot prettier than just beautiful, but I'm not articulate enough to describe her fully." Ha! This coming from Pearl's interpretation of Scorpius. x) Haha &hearts I just love Scorpius! xD

XD LOL! "Merlin's beard, what have I been smoking that's turned me into such a sap?) LOL OHMYGOD! ROTFLOL. SERIOUSLY! XD Dude, how do you come up with such awesome/hilarious ideas?

HAHA! "...and turns his skin a delightful shade of neon pink." I think you picked the perfect adjectives (i.e. "delightful") to set the humor in this fic! &hearts

The last line - as always - wraps up this fic perfectly and ties back to the beginning nicely.

OMG. I love the alternate ending! XD Perfect. &hearts

And now, for my favorite part that definitely needs to be addressed...

YOU USED MY PROMPTS! :D :D :D :D *happydance* &hearts &hearts &hearts Thankyouthankyouthankyou!

I have decided that this is definitely my favorite fic of yours. Keep writing! I love it! &hearts
Ninja Potter chapter 1 . 1/1/2011
So I might be liking this couple but it still doesn't outshine lily scorpius. Anyways I loved Louis and all that stuff. I loved how he gave her the necklace the year before.
Smile Life Away chapter 1 . 1/1/2011
It wasn't cute. It was ADORABLE! At first I wasn't sure who was talking, but then as soon as I got it the whole story made sense from there. First person Scorpius, huh? I believe you made it work. And I love the setting of a wedding it really added to the romance of the story. Super fluffy, but in a good way.

Just to annoy you I'll add "LOVED IT!"

Smile Life Away D
Schermionie chapter 1 . 1/1/2011
I've been hoping to tag you on Review Tag for some time, and now I finally have. I can happily say that I wasn't at all disappointed. I adore the concept, and the first person perspective sounded smooth and natural. I'm not the biggest fan of Next Gen fics, but I really enjoyed the lightness and ease of Dominique and Scorpius's interactions. I rather liked the ever-so-slight awkwardness between them - I think you captured the air between not-kissing and kissing perfectly (if you know what I mean?), and the progression of their conversation was perfect.

Your writing is fluent and at an extremely high standard, which made the story itself an absolute joy to read. There were only a few things I could criticise.

'And you're certainly not allowed to be a million times more beautiful than the bride ever could hope to be.' - 'ever' and 'could' need to be switched around.

'(All right, maybe I am a /bit/ of a hopeless romantic).' - the full stop should be inside the brackets, and I'm not really keen on the 'I am'. In this kind of context, it would usually be written out only if the emphasis was going to be on the 'am', so I was expecting that. The resultant emphasis on the 'bit' instead jolted me a little; I'd suggest you change it to 'I'm'.

'She blinks up at me with those dazzling eyes of her, and someone shoot a Killing Curse at me, now, because I think I'm in love with a Weasley.' - 'eyes of her' should be 'eyes of hers'.

'She looks a hell of a lot prettier than just beautiful, but I'm not verbose enough to describe her fully.' - I know I'm just being picky, but your use of 'verbose' here seems odd to me. Surely 'articulate' would be a more romantic choice?

'"Thank you," she whispers, turning those blue eyes that always make me melt on me.' - this made me giggle. Scorpius The Amazing Melting Malfoy, who alas, always melts on himself - or at least that's what the wording made it sound like. I would strongly suggest you change this sentence, perhaps to something like: '"Thank you," she whispers, turning those blue eyes on me. Those eyes that always make me melt.'

'One of my arms finds its way around her waist, and there's a feeling like all the butterflies that had been darting around in my stomach just exploded in a burst of happiness.' - 'that had been darting around' should be 'that *have* been darting around'.

'Dominique whirls around and makes a face at her brother, who's doubled up laughing and his camera is on the ground.' - this is a really dodgy sentence. You definitely need to change it - perhaps something like: 'Dominique whirls around and makes a face at her brother, who's doubled up laughing; his camera's on the ground beside him.' Not a great example, but I'm sure you know what I mean.

'"Probably," I agree, aiming a hex at Louis out of Dominique's line of sight.' - I may be being thick, which isn't at all out of the question, but I actually didn't understand this sentence at all. Are you saying Dominique couldn't see the spell? But surely she could, because she commented on it straight afterwards. I don't get it... o_0

But that's all I could pick on. I believe that makes, what, seven nitpicks? Seriously, this was fantastic technically. I love your use of language. :)

Now back to the story...

Scorpius's narrative voice was interesting, consistent, and best of all, I *liked* him. The way he was both living in what was happening and telling the story of it gave things a playful tone which I really enjoyed, and more than that, you got the balance of those two different styles just perfect. The decision to tell this in first person was absolutely the right one, but it only worked so well because it was written so well.

As I mentioned earlier, I really liked the concept. It's true that the bride is the person people are expected to focus on, which was why it was especially lovely that Scorpius and Dominique got their own little corner of romance. I found that despite how it took place at a wedding, most of their interaction had a sense of seclusion and separateness about it, which was only interrupted at the end. I really liked how Dom was temporarily able to draw Scorpius - and so us - away from the no doubt widely attended wedding and on to her. She definitely outshined the bride!

The inclusion of the details about songs and books, as well as all those little observations Scorpius gave us about Dominique, created a rich and satisfyingly real relationship between two likeable characters. The story was fluffy but the skill with which you wrote it, the details that you gave us, meant that this was a plus point rather than a minus one.

All in all? I'm glad I read it. :)
Blue Skyes101 chapter 1 . 1/1/2011
This was very good. I agree that it is an unspoken rule for no one to outshine the bride on her wedding day, but I'm sure it happens. I think it was probably a biased view from Scorpius, though.

I loved the way you used adjectives and really made it feel like this was happening. Great job. :)
combeferring chapter 1 . 1/1/2011
Ah, you're making me rather fond of fluff, to be honest.

And I lovelovelove Scorpius to pieces and how he bought her a necklace for her birthday (aawwww!)

Once again, I love the last line. I always seem to with your fics :)
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