Reviews for A Very Slushie Aftermath
asweetmoonbeam chapter 1 . 6/30/2012
'He didn't wait for a reply, leaving Kurt sitting with his mouth slightly open, bag in hand, wondering if this guy was for real, or if he was some kind of robot sent from outer space to make all other humans seem completely inadequate by comparison'

Musicismyblood chapter 1 . 4/21/2012
Kurt, that suspicion is perfectly normal. Thinking that Blaine (*coughDarrencough*) is secretly a robot and/or an alien sent to make others feel inadequate while simultaneously making people love him is all very normal. As I said before, it's perfectly normal. Many of us have gone through it.
pleasedelete1234567 chapter 1 . 12/21/2011
HAH! Awww, this was so adorable! This definitely relieved some of the tension I felt after that chapter of TLE. I was freaking out and this just melted all of that anxiety away with Klaine fluff and it was perfect. :)
MiriRainbowitz chapter 1 . 11/6/2011
"You're my friend, not my bodyguard."

I TOTALLY read "You're my boyfriend, not my bodyguard" at first glance. And then I realized it said friend, not boyfriend. :(
RumChocolateSouffle chapter 1 . 8/12/2011
Great story. I love your disclaimer and your concluding sentence!
Katamabob chapter 1 . 6/10/2011
That was fab follow up to the part in your one-shot collection! Which I'm still working my way through. But I really did want to know what had happened xD The ending was beautiful *_* So much love...

Also liking the title, as it reminds me of a certain musical that Darren starred in... ;)

DeanCastiel chapter 1 . 5/23/2011
O.O Fanfiction, why you so fluffyful? O.O

Omg this is so cute and sad and muffiny and lovely and KLAINEY GOODNESS! (I am sorry but the awesome adorableness of this has left me unable to complete a coherent sentence:P)

Aria657 chapter 1 . 5/12/2011
Aww, I love Kurt and Blaine! They are my favorite part of Glee! Blaine is a sweetheart, and I love an angry Kurt!
Em chapter 1 . 5/5/2011
Heh... "I'll chain you to my bed"...

*Cue Wes the spy with his video camera*

Crazy Kurt FTW :3

Lovely story
PoppyandViolet chapter 1 . 4/25/2011
This. is amazing :):) I love everything you write :D:D::D:D
ZigZagKlaine chapter 1 . 4/22/2011
I loved it! :D
WickedForGood13 chapter 1 . 4/11/2011
Don't know why it took me so long to review this...hehe

Anyway, lovely piece of writing. I believe I was one of the ones who encouraged you to write a follow up to the chapter in TLE about Blaine getting slushied, and I'm so glad that you did. This was wonderful!

Blaine's confession as to his feelings when he'd gotten the call about Kurt...phenomenal.

Also, very touching was his implication that getting to see Kurt was worth being beaten.

Great job! I love this )
erisgregory chapter 1 . 4/6/2011
"Trapped in the false memories of what I could have done."

Fantastic line. I loved this, I don't know why hundreds of others haven't smothered this chapter in all the love it deserves. It's like a little present of a moment I thought I would never read.

I think it is very realistic the way you have these two dance around each other and their feelings. First romances are often difficult on their own. I can't imagine adding bullying, and being gay, and coming out to the normal angst of discovering you love your best friend. I'm only halfway through with TLE, but i love the pace, and this slushie aftermath is perfect.
helaluvE chapter 1 . 4/5/2011
I kinda understands now why this story wasn't part of TLE. If you'd posted that in the big story people would have lost their mind! Blaine's speech was practically a love declaration... I almost expected a proposal after that lol.

Another job well done!
I'llrockyoursocks chapter 1 . 3/29/2011
Okay I just wanna point out that you are an amazing writer and that I absolutely adore your stories.

As I am currently halfway through Truth, Love and Evolution I haven't reviewed it yet, simply because, whenever I'm reading a really amazing story, I just can't stop reading, I just keep going till I get to the end. And I started reading it at 10:30 last night. I'm on chapter 23 right now. I only got 2 hours sleep last night. Which gave me horrendous bags under my eyes. Anyway, keep up the brilliant work dear.

Gray xo
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