Reviews for Yankumi's Evolution
ajkrut chapter 1 . 7/9/2019
This is really awesome and fills in the missing scene wonderfully - I also was waiting for Shin to show up after the movies. Thank you so much!
snow-bun-buns1598 chapter 1 . 8/16/2018
This was a great fic, good job!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/24/2016
That was a perfect fic! Really, there is everything that should have been in the movie! (Well, maybe, except Hayato Yabuki somewhere, just joking!)
I hope you will not mind if I translate this fic into Russian? Of course, I will credit you and link back here, to the original work.
I post my translations here:
I really hope you will give me your permission to translate this fic, as I liked it a lot!
BlackAngelLovesYa chapter 1 . 11/9/2015
Jennywalker6 chapter 1 . 2/5/2015
omg thank you soo much for writing this, and if you continue it i will read and review
Shadowfox13 chapter 1 . 9/17/2014
This is an awesome piece - never read the manga and only saw the J-Dramas and movies. *lol* I had to do the research to learn that in the manga Shin actually was trying to get her to date him. I do know that at the end of first season in the dramas he does name himself as a rival but I always thought that after he left for Africa that was the end of it. Hm, I wonder if her students in the movie actually find out about her background? They always seem to in the end. I also thought the movie sort of 'replaced' Shin with Odagiri as an implied love interest. *heh* But I've yet to see and kind of fic with those two. Hm, if you do write more fics, I'd be interested in reading them, perhaps about Shin's courtship. Heh, or all of her past and present students holding a Yankumi Reunion Get-together and telling stories of her and their time experiences with her not only as a teacher but as a friend. Ooh! or someone who was a classmate of hers in high school, I've always thought that perhaps for a little while as a teen - before she found her dream of being a teacher - that maybe she was a bit of a delinquent herself and something turned her around, bumping into them at a reunion like that and they get to hear stories of her as a teen and find out a little more about her as a person. I always also thought it was unfair that her students didn't see her as beautiful when she clearly is - probably on purpuse on her part since she chooses to dress in track suits and pig tails or ridiculous disguises, though I'm surprised at least some of them didn't think the cheerleader outfit at least a little cute - I can just see her dressing up normally and looking like this gorgeous young woman and not realizing her students caught her out (hehe even taking pictures to prove to themselves it was her) and having them realize that perhaps some of their comments about her sex appeal might have been unfair or in the case of telling her it was impossible that she'd have a date with a cute or normal guy that they might have hurt her feeling and seeing her as more than a teacher but also as a person with feelings and personal dreams too. :D Anyway, sorry to ramble, I love the piece and hope you write more. .V chapter 1 . 9/8/2014
I love it! I was wishing Shin would turn up in the movie! But not at the end. I wanted him to show up during the fighting and protect her... but since the movie is canon and when shin shows up is not, I like how you added him to the very end of it. Only one problum Kuma mentions that shin was in Africa/America for the past seven years I beleive and he never contacted yamkumi... although that might be form all the fanfics Iv read. I need to watch the movie again. I want them to make another movie and have Shin and Yamkumi show up, but sadly after the first season shin quit acting... it mad me depressed.
I am so glad you wrote one, I am also writting another ending. mine happends at a differant time in a differant way. but I love yours... everyone is in shock. I love it. Can you make more? I loved how you added the manga into the show and the movie.

I do disagree on who was hotter... I likes shin way more. From season two I like the fan guy and the hair guy so much more... I am not good with names.
VioletPhoenix21 chapter 1 . 7/3/2014
i liked it and want more :)
Monki-Neko chapter 1 . 12/26/2013
if this is one of your ideas i say go for it! that was one of the biggest if not most important cliffies they left off from the 1st season and should have played out in the movie but didn't, so to have him come back and finally win her over in this was awesome!
1fallenangel7 chapter 1 . 6/23/2013
That totally should have happened. One, so that Shin and Yankumi are together again. Two, so that I can see her students' faces(x
LaPucelle08 chapter 1 . 5/19/2013
I wish this really happen in the movie!
saeki anashe chapter 1 . 1/26/2013
wow, got married in a minute?
Guest chapter 1 . 10/2/2012
I like how you made the story especially the Shin and Yankumi but you know they have a manga of this
euphieo27 chapter 1 . 9/2/2012
IF I have enough money I would definitely spend all of it in sponsoring GOKUSEN 4 or Gokusen the movie 2.. and I will make sure Yankumi ends up with no one but Shin..! the movie will turn out as a big hit if this happen! oh it's really not gokusen w/o Shin Sawada.. TT I'm terribly disappointed..
Geminiasp chapter 1 . 7/27/2012
YAY FOR SHINKUMI! yes this should have happened in the movie :D
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