Reviews for Keep On Doing What You Do
ThoseRavenousTigers chapter 1 . 1/5/2015
There isn't really a resolution here. It's a slice of life, through and through, showing Kenny and his life and his thoughts at a time of change. And Craig is far from the cliche lover and he's a douche. Par for his course. I wonder what Cadence and Thomas would think of Kenny? I wonder if Kenny will decide it's not worth it and break up sometime? I wonder how the advertising will go? I wonder a lot of things but I'm content to leave them floating in the distance like broken strings.

Wait, I think that rhymed. Hmm.

Benji was cute, and so was the Style slice of life fic. I usually don't care for Style but this was really cute. I'm not sure how they survived without anyone learning to cook in the household, though. Unless Stan does, or they survive on take out and microwave meals.

I don't think this is The Complete Craig, but it's Craig 99% of the time, and watching him be so self centered is really interesting. I liked hearing about Kenny and how he got through college (and then wrote a book about it). I think I've heard the "becomes an escort/whore" a few times, but he never started a magazine, never wrote a book, and how it isn't completely great but it's still a bit exciting for Kenny was fun.
Petroica traversi chapter 1 . 12/24/2011
Ok, two things.

1. I've read this story more times than I care to admit, and every time I read this line: "Because you've never done anything ridiculous like broken up your best friend's commitment ceremony—" I think, huh, I'd really like to read that story.

2. My sister is pregnant, and yesterday she was throwing out ideas for baby names, and she suggested Cadence and I laughed my ass off. And then I felt bad cause I couldn't really explain why. Anyway, I love this fic, and I love all your fics, and yeah. Thanks for being awesome.
Ditkata chapter 1 . 6/23/2011
WHAT? it ends like that? i spend the last hour reading this and i think my bunny ate my socks and i didn't read the end? can u pleaaaaaaaaasssseee finish it? pretty please?
mwells20 chapter 1 . 3/3/2011
At first, I wasn't sure if I was going to like this story because I ship Creek soooo hard, it makes reading either Craig or Tweek with anyone else difficult, but you are just such an amazing writer, I loved it. Your style is just so beautiful, and so real. Sure, I like fluffy stories as much as anyone, but I cannot get enough of the the way you write your characters with real issues. Also, I don't remember if I reviewed these or not, but "I Came A Long Way To See You" is the BEST Style story I have read (with great Creek too!), and "Liebe Und Krankheit" is another one of my absolute favorites.
Keeeenny chapter 1 . 1/21/2011
Oh wow, lovelovelove! It's brilliant. I know I just said so on dA, but your style is lovely! It's so crisp and flowing and easy to read. I always know whether I'm going to continue reading a fic from the first few paragraphs, and if I'm at all iffy with how it's written, it stays with me for the rest of the fic. But yoursss, from the first sentence I'm like /mentaljizz, and it's awesome. I'm gonna go read the rest of your writings now, I'm so impressed with this! I hope to be half the writer you are one day c: Amazing, cohesive, believable plot, with great dialogue and character interaction /favfavfav
rijujuju chapter 1 . 1/20/2011
Jesus, it's long. I think this is amazing.

I would love to say all the stuff I love about it, but... I'm tirrrred.

CherrySlim chapter 1 . 1/9/2011
So did RandomGhostie ever get this? Because if she didn't, she's really missing out on a great one-shot written for a more-or-less unpopular couple. I ship quite a few unappreciated pairings, and I seriously don't know what to do with myself out of happiness whenever I see 250-word crap-fic for one of them.

Anyway, I understand if you are not completely satisfied with your own work, no writer ever will be, but if you honestly think that this is anything less than amazing, I will personally track you down and give you a well-deserved slap in the face. Just because you’re experimenting with something doesn’t mean it’s going to turn out bad. And fanfics that stretch the boundaries of a certain relationship are often the ones that turn out to be the most enjoyable because they are different! So yeah, I loved it. When you said that you had a bigger idea behind what you originally posted, I never expected this whole intricate love-triangle to be the actual plot.

The whole time I had no idea which “side” I should even be rooting for, making the entire situation all the more heartbreaking. This is made stronger by the fact that there really isn’t anyone you can “blame”. Kenny is pretty sympathetic, so my first instinct was to get angry at Craig for pulling him into this relationship when he had no intention to leave Bebe. But then there’s the fact that Craig never wanted to get married with her, and can you really be upset with someone who just wants to be happy with someone else? And while he should really just leave her, you still have to respect someone who is willing to stay with their family despite the circumstances.

All the internal conflicts and the truth that each character has a reason for acting the way they do (maybe a selfish reason, but not something the readers can’t relate to) makes this story extremely realistic; because in real life, things are never as black and white as we’d like to think them to be. We don’t like to admit it, but even the slutty boyfriend-stealer probably has a story if we would just let her tell it. I know I keep going on about this, but there’s just something really refreshing about the way you created an emotionally-inspired story about less-than perfect characters whom just happened to be caught up in this crappy situation.

Some things that really stood out to me were the hair-tugging scenes. An act so insignificant, and yet it so vividly illustrated the closeness and affection between Craig and Bebe. Afterward, her hair falling out added a bittersweet note of aging to further prove that they had changed since they were just teenagers. And then the scene was repeated with Kenny. Craig reaches out, realizing that what he has with Bebe could have been with Kenny, but in the end that’s just a fantasy and what he developed with Bebe is just something he won’t get the chance to do with Kenny.

Another scene that I enjoyed was the one with Kenny and Benji in Benji’s bed. I usually find the “innocent and spoiled, but still adorable child” character to be really annoying (and I did at first when Benji was introduced), but there’s something about his willingness to love Kenny and have him be part of his life that ended up winning me over. Sometimes, things aren’t as simple as loving someone and having them love you back, as Benji believes.

I thought that the scene when Kenny was with his mother was interesting. Personally, I find family-dynamics to be an underexplored side to the SP-fandom. How Carol casually mentioned she thought that Kenny was in love with her feels really relevant, but I can’t really figure out how I should feel about that comment in the first place.

Finally, it was just plain nice to see Kenny be part of something at the end, even if it was just breakfast. It felt as though he belonged there. Though a most ungodly hour in his opinion, it seems that a lot of Kenny’s most significant memories are made at seven in the morning.