Reviews for The Adventures of Andraste the Dragon
Mumia0813 chapter 42 . 9/23/2018
Finally got to the end, now I'm just waiting for more chapters...
RedLightningD608 chapter 1 . 7/20/2018
I lost count how many times I tried to find a fanfiction about someone in the Dragon Age series becoming a dragon, spent hours looking and looking for something like that... and the one time I don't look I find one!

You made me a very happy person for writing this thank youuuu! :)
Elven Silver Power Ranger chapter 42 . 4/8/2017
wow awesome story so far, really intense cliff hanger on chapter 42. hope you can find time to continue it. i love your story!
guest chapter 4 . 9/22/2016
The idea is great... sadly the execution is lacking. You desperately need a beta and you need to go over your dialogue and plot. A lot of the conversations don't make sense or are so cheesy/cliche it makes me cringe. Stuff lile how she's the ONLY one who can do this and her throwing a fit about not using her name was pretty strange. Of all the things to throw a fit over after being snatched from her world, not even asked for her opinion or preference and turned into a dragon THAT'S what makes her upset?
blazaboi chapter 2 . 2/25/2016
throws a temper tantrum over not being able to use a name "that is why i chose you you're will is strong"...
Byakugan789 chapter 8 . 2/2/2016
I'm...sorry. This is just too poorly done. Despite the claim in your AN I can't help but wonder how much effort you paid to the game, the lore, the dialogue or your writing in general.

I do hope this was one if your first attempts at writing.
Byakugan789 chapter 7 . 2/2/2016
Spelled Orlais wrong and forgot half the countries in thedas. The Orlesians are french. Things are spelled and pronounced weird there.
The missing countries are Nevara, Rivian, the Anderfels, Par Volen and the contested nation Seheron. All of which were discussed in Origins and Awakenings both.

I take it from your...comments that you're not going to go about changing much of anything?
Byakugan789 chapter 6 . 2/2/2016
...I know it's a common story thematic, but the strength desperation lends doesn't lend enough to a starved, poisoned person to do what a healthy one couldn't. Though, since that was more magic than physical effort there, w/e. Interesting that you're not encountering spirits and demons nightly.
Byakugan789 chapter 5 . 2/2/2016
...sigh. Dragons use mana for their fire breath. They have their own mana bars. They can spit game spell fireballs. You just had the chance to learn nature magic and healing magic from a freaking werewolf goddess and...gods give me patience.
Byakugan789 chapter 3 . 2/2/2016
wolf-thing. Rofl. Becilian forest huh? And the chains were a trap. Oh well. Gotta remember which game this is again.

I'm guessing from this and the god thing's comment that you're going to be learning creation magic from the literal lady of the forest rather than the elven keeper apprentice?
Byakugan789 chapter 2 . 2/2/2016
Those...horrible...mages...*twitching*brow* You know it was a mage who made the veil that keeps people safe from demons? A mage who did the research to kill the first arch demon? A mage who created the gryphons and Mabari? Mages who are regularly demeaned and tortured into becoming abominations just so that the chantry and smallfolk can point and say "see, see? That's why mages are evil!"?

Sorry, I just looked at the post dates, this was made when only half that information was out. That still doesn't excuse the use of *true name* weirdness. If that was all that was needed to control someone in dragon age, then the mages would have no issue as they could just order their templar prison guards to run each other through. Or order demons to obey their command, something which only works as long as both sides see no reason to break the deal. Which happened multiple times in the original game.

And being a dragon would be fun, so I don't see why she's complaining. On top of which, dragons all wield magic, as obviously does the woman, so the horrible mages line is horse shit.
Particularly when she immediately after sends you to learn healing magic.

Unless she's meaning blood mages?

Heh. Dealing with aerial predator senses. Amusing. Nice walking overview too, though she'll really appreciate those wings once she gets up the courage to try them out.

The chains and weird thing...Empris Du Leon? That tower? Or something from origins I've forgotten?
Byakugan789 chapter 1 . 2/1/2016
Wasn't the dragon named Andraste in the game supposed to be some poor adolescent dragon enchanted by a cult? Although, I suppose this will make it a much shorter, or perhaps more interesting, fight for the warden.
UniCryin chapter 42 . 2/2/2015
Why haven't you updated in so long? T_T
trninjakiller chapter 12 . 2/1/2015

Yes a fic that has a dragon as the protagonist is the beat thing to ever happen to me. BUT NOT IF THE PROTAGONIST IS AN ABSOLUTE STEREOTYPICAL MORON.
trninjakiller chapter 9 . 2/1/2015
Please don't put religion in your fics in the future. It would be appreciated
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