Reviews for With Your Sister's Help
MrsMunroChambers chapter 1 . 2/24/2011
short but cute! lol

I liked it! :D
Dreamgreen16 chapter 1 . 1/10/2011
Okay So...This will be your first review or at least i didn't seen any when i checked. This story was very good. You can tell by your writers craft that you have a lot of potential. My suggestion to be even better is to just read and read and read. By studying other peoples stories you will figure out what they did that people liked and what they did that confused you.

When I first came to fanfiction I was hooked on Sisters Grimm stories (Book Series) I was an innocent little girl to...I didn't even know a thing about kissing. But before I came on fanfiction I read others stories like CRAZY and It helped a lot. I know how to make a chaste kiss scene...A makeout scene, A shopping scene, Movies,Books,Modeling, anything but I did my research. This is actually a great start I only found one spelling mistake and it was for the word now but you put no. I have no experience with a lot of the things i write about... some of them are based off of my feelings but not a lot. So if you want a bigger audience read around degrassi fanfiction and see what the readers like.

Read Makeout stories,Sad stories,Drama Rama Mama Stories, Tragic, Humor, and then pick out what you liked best in the story and how you would change it and then read what reviewers said and incorporate there ideas into your pieces.

Whats hot on degrassi fanfiction at the moment is obviously eclare stories but you can see a lot of them are a like so mostly readers want a story that will stick out whether its the title or other people have read your work. I have been on fanfiction for about a year now and I have written one degrassi story filled with a whole ton of oneshots of eclare. And I am still trying to break the 20 reviewers line. So my advice is yes people on fanfiction can be hard but try to figure out what all the reviewers opinions are and reivew other people stories and to mention yours lightly so that they will want to read it heck If someone says something really nice to me I usually PM them and will look at there profile for what stories they have done and a lot of these people have written my favorite stories. Watch and learn is probably the best advice for try to always be nice to a story writer when you reivew imagine if someone read what you said an you would probably be like eww that person is a jerk. And you don't want a bad reputation on fanfiction. Once you have fame on fanfiction you get instant reviewers and you can't in a lot of reviews people will even mention your other stories.

So after that really long review I would like to say that This story was great and you should always be honest in your reviews but don't be mean you don't even have to say you like the story all you have to do is let them down gently or tell them how great of a job they did or give them future advice. But being the newbe on fanfiction sucks but Keep wrting and reading. I read at least twenty stories a day and that is usually on school days. I devote my weekends to fanfiction if My parents didn't drag me out of bed at 5 pm i mean seriously it is my weekend i can stay in my room has long as i want right? lol off topic.

You did a great job with this story and you have a lot of potential so read and learn and write and i can't wait to see more stories out of you :)


Ps you don't have to have super long reviews like this