Reviews for Ivory and Gold
ivanm6173 chapter 1 . 8/9/2014
For some weird reason I really like this sentence "Dave spends his weekend sitting in front of his computer in his boxers drinking cans of mountain dew and eating sour patch kids and cold pizza".
anamabel89 chapter 5 . 4/2/2012
This is my first Kurtofsky fic and I love it. I haven't really been watching Glee. I've only watched a few random episodes but I generally get up to date because of the internet and sometimes y'know fandom. Besides Sunshine(since she's a fellow Filipina), Kurtofsky was the other reason why I am intrigued and interested on the fandom. I'd prolly end up watching Glee soon, maybe after my scifi series marathon. :P I know I'm rambling. I'm loving this fic. I really love your take on Dave!POV and how the story is enfolding is very interesting. Since there would be a surprise bday party, I wonder how the former Glee club would handle shock that is Kurt/Dave relationship.
kaiiju chapter 5 . 3/6/2012
Thanks for the great read!
midlifecrisses chapter 4 . 1/7/2012
I woke up singing "its not unusual" I wonder if this fic is the reason why.

Now that I have slept on it here are my fav parts from chaps 1-5

first: Dave liking himself enough to not put up w/ KH crap at Breadstix (and being used as a f-buddy)

second: Dave using KH voice messages against him (I like you okay) - I actually loved this.

I also loved how accepting Dave college roommates are of him and they tease him the same

also Dave's explanation OF "Steph's" character (just one of the roles that made me HATE Janes Spader) and how he may have felt like that ( it made me feel sorry for him)

What I made me cringe:

Dave telling Kurt he liked him since he was 12 - way to make a boy put ON his pants real quick!

I really like this fic!
midlifecrisses chapter 5 . 1/6/2012
So this was a fic rec and it did not disappoint.

And yes I am a hard core Klaine shipper - but I am open to other people's ships as well.

the way you have written this story makes it so plausible that it could happen - and I would be lying if I said I did not understand why Kurt was being a royal dick. Every fibre of his being is telling him to hate this boy and may his life hell - but his heart has other ideas.

can't wait to see what happens next!
AnActressexual chapter 5 . 12/1/2011
Hope to read more of this funny story.
deeniebee28 chapter 5 . 9/11/2011
I am seriously loving this story. You've nailed Kurt and Dave's personalities so well and I could really see this story happening to them in the future. Can't wait to read more )
GoldenVXN chapter 5 . 9/11/2011
Lol I love Finn in that last chapter. Lol priceless.
GhibliGirl91 chapter 5 . 8/28/2011
Are you continuing this? Because you should be continuing this. It's nice to see something that does follow Karofsky around, because even when it does that usually, a story is often 'The Kurt Hummel bleeding heart show'. Not that I mind those, but a change is tender relief. He ain't perfect, I like it that way.

Nice reference to 'Spring Awakening' a few chapters in, and the thing about the text where Kurt has supposedly mashed his face into the keyboard brought out more giggles than I thought I could give. I'm also thanking God you've avoided naff OCs, in fact I couldn't even think of any OCs because they fit in so well. Thinking on it there's Clyde (who I love btw) and the other guys from the hockey team, Mr Ironic Moustache (even if we haven't seen much of him), and various other people. I really like them. Usually they stick at me like splinters, compelling me to judge, but not here...eek this is all sounding icky and trite now, even in my head. Thanks, goodbye and bleeding update!
mothamaeghan chapter 5 . 7/10/2011
I love this story soooooooo much. Please pleas pretty please update it again. I'm so in love with it. You've got to update. PLEASE!
cornflakesareglutenfree chapter 5 . 7/4/2011
TheFirstMrsHummel listed this as one of her favorite stories, so i had to seek it out and read it, and i must agree that it is brilliant. having dave choose not to return to mckinley and therefore bypassing klaine entirely is a very interesting path. i like it. also, i find myself in a love/hate relationship with kurt, because he is /such/ a bitch; and yet, i find myself thinking back to my favorite 'kurt bitch face' moments, and i adore him for them. i would love to know what happens between kurt, dave and finn... so i really hope you haven't actually deserted this story, b/c i think it's fabulous.

Grey Amethyst chapter 1 . 6/25/2011
I read this story a while ago, and I remember it being simply amazing. The idea of Dave being a writer is my official headcanon. I love the tone of this story as well, but I can't quite place a reason as to why... I just really like it. I sincerely hope you're still working on this fic! It would be a shame to see such a masterpiece be abandoned...
silje24 chapter 5 . 6/1/2011
Fantastic, mooooore pleace:)))))
Arika-of-the-Demons chapter 4 . 4/26/2011
*scratch scratch* Just a little reminder that this is one of my top three Kurtofsky fics eeeeever and I miss it very much *pathetic whimper*
xLebkuchenherzx chapter 5 . 4/23/2011
Awesome story so far. One of the best Kurt/David ffs out there!
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