Reviews for Pride
LovesDragons chapter 9 . 4/28/2017
Cool story.
Ersatz Einstein chapter 9 . 4/7/2015
There were far too many technical, spelling, and grammatical errors to fully enumerate here, though I would note that your primary issues seemed to be with comma placement ("just needed another crewmember on the bridge, to make it," "you're trying to do Spock," "this only, because," etc.), prepositions ("put to trial," "diplomatic efforts towards our world," "now to the nasty part," etc.), spacing ("space ship"), and punctuation around quotes (commas directly after, for instance). You also tended to capitalize things after colons, and there were some typos and minor errors that could've been caused by the site or Word ("theDoctor," "this is Commander are in neutral territory," "strangly," etc.).
It's a pity, really, because I loved this fic. With the exception of the tendency to overuse McCoy's first name, all the characters were IC and spoke as such. (I particularly enjoyed the little references to Chekov's Russian misattribution.) The descriptions of the aftereffects were easy to visualize but difficult to comprehend, perfectly reflecting the disorder of McCoy's mind, particularly in the eighth chapter. You blended diplomatic plot with personal consequences in a manner reminiscent of the source material, and the reference to "Mirror, Mirror" was appropriately placed to make the depth of the mind meld clear without necessitating a sequel. Were it not for the illegibility, I'd favorite this in a heartbeat.
Guest chapter 9 . 2/8/2015
Very good.
Hannah Lynn McDonald chapter 3 . 6/10/2014
The lesser of too weevils? or evils?
Hannah Lynn McDonald chapter 2 . 6/10/2014
"Et tu Brute? Then fall Ceasar!"

Let's hope it's not quite that literal...
Sarachan chapter 9 . 12/12/2013
Outstanding! :)
ThatSassyCaptain chapter 2 . 9/6/2013
AUGH! Awesome!
I just want to scream and cry and pull my hair out and it's only chapter 2.
Book girl fan chapter 5 . 6/30/2013
How does M'Benga know that hasn't happened to him? Maybe it has, and he just doesn't know it!
Tishbing chapter 9 . 9/14/2012
Very good story!
trekkie chapter 9 . 5/18/2012
i'm just too sadistic... i luv it when bones is hurt... although hes actually my fav...

maybe i should see a psychiatrist

well, lets go on to your fanfic: 333

that symbolizes pretty much my opinion, its just soooo great!

gonna read your other ffs for sure!

luv ur characters!

bones for the win!
yamina-chan chapter 9 . 2/29/2012
Interesting. And somewhat diffrent from what I expected. But not bad ) Some parts were actually really good. More then once I had the feeling I could the characters actually hear saing their lines.

I really like these two lines for example:

"Mr. Chekov claims those classics to be Russian, Captain."

"Mr. Chekov claims the Vulcan Science Academy is Russian."

I have no idea why Spock would say the first. However, Kirks line was absolutely brilliant and matched perfectly XD

Also, I am quite fond of the reference to the 'The Next Generation' movie 'First Contact'.
anon chapter 9 . 9/5/2011
' "Mr. Chekov claims those classics to be Russian, Captain."

"Mr. Chekov claims the Vulcan Science Academy is Russian." '

That line: epic WIN!

Great story overall. I love stories that deal with Spock and McCoy's friendship. It's just so weird and wonderful.
The Wolf's Shadow chapter 9 . 5/14/2011
Can anyone say 'awesome'? Oh wait, I can. That was awesome! Great characterizations and plot. I've only just realized how lacking we are in hurt!Bones fics, so thank you for putting this out there. :)
003chan chapter 9 . 2/22/2011
Hello, I'm back, I was away for some time.

This story has been a pretty good read. Thanks again. What a pity it had to end so soon. It was interesting and well built. Even though I didn't like the reference to the new movie, I think that your TOS characterization was quite good.

I'll be looking forward to more stories from you :)
zanuda chapter 9 . 2/11/2011
That is a very good story. I do hope, that it will be the first of the many.
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