Reviews for Unknown
VolvicBabe chapter 15 . 6/13
Wow, absolute masterpiece
RandomObsessions123 chapter 1 . 1/25/2013
'Welcome to Lou's bar!' I've got one thing to say. Life lesson of the day: don't change the song!
nikkay chapter 1 . 1/15/2013
this is really good, I hope you update i REALLY do. But yeah this is great! :D one of the best I've seen on here. love the way you write.
hannahhobnob chapter 15 . 10/22/2012
Please please update this story soon it's one of my favourite lost boy fanfics your portrayal of each character is brilliant, I need an update! X
E. M. Morning chapter 15 . 12/2/2011
You will have to excuse me for being so late again. School takes up too much time.

They are finally together! But I am still nervous for Boadicea, espeically the cave scene and the whole Marko part. There are so many people that can possibly hurt her now, and I hve no idea who it's going to be! I'm still hoping she makes it out alive, but I still doubt it. It would be nice, though!

The conversation between Dwyane and David was intresting. I wonder what's going to happen in their little family, how they will react to all of this.

There is just so much drama! I can feel it coming to the top; this will be ending soon, won't it? Gah- I am going to be sad when it is but I am dying to know how this is going to end.

Again, sorry for being so late with the last two chapters! I'm looking forward to the next!
anna chapter 15 . 11/26/2011
Uh-oh... I got a feeling this isn't going to go well for Boadicea. Or Paul for that matter. But they FINALLY got together! Yay! I loved your writing when Boadicea was left in the dark, wonderful description that had me breaking out in goosebumps. And I love your Marko, so evil and twisted and I can totally picture him getting off on doing something like that to Boadicea and annoying Paul to boot! Hope Paul kicks his ass for that later on :)

And David and Dwayne - in a way I can totally see things from their point of view, being all defensive and protective and everything, but I'm very intrigued as they both seem to know more about the situation than was stated. Very well written! I'm all curious now! Just hope David isn't tooo vicious to Boadicea...

And who is this other child of Max's?

Love how every chapter you write you always manage to throw something in that subtly adds to the depth of this story and takes it to a whole other level.

On tenterhooks for the next update,

Morrowsong chapter 15 . 11/24/2011
Uh oh, things are not looking good for Boadicea. Hope you update again soon.
anna chapter 14 . 11/7/2011
Aww, to leave it there! That's just mean!

I love your secondary characters in this, they're always intriguing and add so much depth to the story so I'm very glad you're not abandoning the Weird sisters - yay! They really are a couple of five-year olds who never grew up aren't they? No wonder Marko took off to find Jasmine :)

I like your Frog brothers too; I'm not usually a fan of theirs in fanfic (adored them in the movie, but hardly anyone gets their humour right in fics) but I can't wait to see where you take them and the role they play in the story.

As ever, waiting for more!

E. M. Morning chapter 13 . 11/3/2011
Oh the drama! This is getting good! Well, better since it was already good.

It's about time they kissed! Gosh, I was starting to wonder if she would ever crack. I'm happy for them, but at the same time I'm worried because I know it's not going to end well. I have a feeling she will die in some way, even if its not by Paul. I hope not because I like her!

I love the other minor plots you are mixing in this. I can't wait to see where they lead to/what happens when they all come together!

As always I'm going to say I adore your writing. The description and dialouge is lovely, and everything flows quite well. I cannot wait for another update! I'm hoping it's soon.
kittykat6625 chapter 13 . 11/2/2011
thank you so much for updating this chapter was great please update soon

love kittykat6625
anna chapter 13 . 11/2/2011
Oooh, an update - and just when I thought you'd left this story for dead, too! *does happy dance of joy*

Reading this chappie makes me realise how much I've missed it - and your writing. Finally - Paul and Boadicea getting together! Yay; they are so cool together and I seriously hope you write more on their er, assignations, LOL! I'm a little confused ast to the Sasha character though; is she the same one as Jasmine and Tess' sister or someone else entirely? Sorry, but its been a long day at work and my brain is kaput :)

I want to know what the character of Zeke wants with her and how he knows the boys and why he hates Paul so much! Sorry, but I'm just excited that this story - and you! - are back that I really, really want to know where it all leads to!

Hoping like mad that you update soon,

SunlitMercy chapter 12 . 7/12/2011
I apologize for not reviewing the last few chapters, but I will get to that soon.

I must say, this chapter had me in hysterics! Marko and Paul are so funny together and I know you say you don't really think your Paul is the one from the movie, but let me tell you, I prefer your Paul to most peoples. I think he's hilarious, charming, edgy, and over-all a badass character. So don't think your Paul is not right because he's amazing :D

I really found it oddly adorable when Paul was dressing up to see Boa! The fact that at least he's trying to impress her a little is too sweet :D and I laughed at the part where he had to cut his hair again but it was long! I wonder what Paul's hair would look like short...

I also laughed at the part:

''You've got more of a chance of being raped in the ear. And it'll be me doing the raping if you think you're getting some.''

Raped in the ear...hahaha.

Boa's reactions to Christine talking about Paul was funny and made me smile a lot. Who is this new character Elisa? Have we already met her because if we have, I feel utterly stupid...

I wonder how their personalities are going to crash together :D

Poor, poor Kaitlin. That would be a very scary thing to go through. To suddenly sleep with a stranger and then wake up and find a mangled corpse next to the bed must be truly terrifying! I feel horrible for her, but I am insanely curious as to how she's going to come into play with Boa and the boys!

One last thing, when Marko said:

''Paul's way at the end of it, might not come out good. We all know what happened last time.''

Nothing was said to Marko's last comment.

Are they referring back to that one-shot you put out sometime ago with (can't remember her name at the mo) and she died at the end because Paul accidentally killed her?

Great chapter and can't wait to see the next one come out! I'll be eagerly waiting and checking my inbox :D

kittykat6625 chapter 12 . 7/12/2011
awesome chapter i cant wait for the next chapter so please update soon

love kittykat6625
E. M. Morning chapter 12 . 7/11/2011
You just totally made my day with this! I just about screamed with joy when I saw you updated! Anyhow…

I love the conversations between Marko and Paul. It’s very well written, and they sound just like brothers! They always make me laugh, especially when Paul calls Marko a midget. I also like how Marko pointed out how long Paul’s hair had become in a short amount of time. I was wondering how he planned to pull it off when he first cut it.

I love how Boadicea was excited about Paul coming over, but was trying to hide it. It’s so cute! She’s finally coming around, though that is not really a good thing for her. I’m anxious to see how she will react when she finds out what Paul truly is and what will happen. I’m just hoping he won’t kill her! Or that other creeper doesn’t. I just don’t want her to die! I like her too much. Oh, slightly off topic: I was just reading a novel and the name Boadicea was mentioned. It made me think of this story, and how much I wanted you to update it! But you did, so it’s all good now!

I feel so bad for that Kaitlin! Her part was very good; nicely written and you described it all very well. It was rather disturbing, but that’s what was so great about it! I like that little subplot so far. I can’t wait to see it all tie in with Paul and Boadicea!

So to sum it all up, I am so happy that you were able to update this story! I really do love it; it’s well written and all of the characters, the ones from the movie and the ones you created, are fantastic! I hope to see more from this soon!
SunlitMercy chapter 7 . 5/25/2011
So sorry it's taken me this long to review this! Hectic life lately, you know the drift, love.

Anyways, this chapter really had it all! The part when Boa went outside really freaked me out. Just imagine standing alone out in a dark garden, hearing noises and seeing shadows and you know it's all real, not your imagination! I really wasn't sure if something was going to happen or if she was just going to walk back inside. When Christina came out, hahha and the whole underwear thing! You're right Christina, it is Santa Carla and you definitely don't wear things like that outside hahaha I wonder what Paul of what she was wearing hahahaha

so her mother I absolutely despise! What a horrible, horrible mother! She just seems so rude and annoying, I just wanted to punch her square in the jaw for being a bitch. Plus, she's only coming to see Boa because of an effin case AND she forgot her birthday! GAH!

Paul and this new character really amuse me. I'm really digging her personality as it made me smile on countless occassions :) I think it's sad and cute that Paul is going to miss her when she passes. I really hope she doesn't because I love her spunkiness :D I also thought it was adorable when he put his head in her lap :))))))

great chappie love!

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