Reviews for But the Story Never Ends
caitlin.hendo chapter 1 . 1/26/2019
please do a sequel!
Fina chapter 24 . 6/26/2018
I don't know if you knew you were doing it though you probably did, but how you ended it was so beautiful. Nice touch! It was masterfully done. I just want ed to say that you've such a gift. Thank you for sharing it!
natariya80 chapter 24 . 6/11/2018
Bravo! This is just beautifully written and in character. I can't say enough great things about this narration. I can't believe I read this in one sitting. This is definitely will be in my favorite folder. Great job again.
Pascall chapter 24 . 6/10/2018
I'm just going to pretend that this is canon. Love it!
NYCUtopia chapter 24 . 5/13/2018
So, so fantastic, and such a perfect fix. I may be fairly new to DW fic (my mind was on other things when the revived series was new -even though I certainly noticed Rose was special- but now that we are binge-watching everything in order... oh dear! Ten is such a magnet), but I'm pretty sure your story is going to remain a favourite of mine for a long time. Greetings from the land of Reinette and Allons-y.
bashfulbabe02 chapter 1 . 1/5/2018
You are so cruel! I'm a 16 yr old with a cold reading this in the middle of the night and you just gave me a crying fit that led to a coughing fit- and I love you for it! thank you! That was beautiful!
Liana Zinter chapter 24 . 10/27/2017
MY GOD I AM DYING OF PURE JOY. You have managed to take one of the saddest farewells in the multiverse and turn it into something so accurate and fool-proof that it’s a shame the writers didn’t have the honor of even having a glimpse of this in their eyes. You portrayed everything so well, and seriously? Talk about character development! You turned Rose’s and Ten’s love into something more passionate and awestruck than words can even form in my mind! Like I seriously hope I get a love like this when the time comes... and it’s not even in a fairytale kind-of-way type of love. Its something that is very realistic if you have the right person, so whoever says this is just meaningless fluff has got another thing coming! Good wishes to you as I seem to have reach the peak of fanfiction in The Who Universe (or multiverse if you like). Farewell my fellow whovian, and to all a fluffy night!

Screenhunter chapter 24 . 6/2/2017
I cried... omg how I cried...

This. Was. Amazing! One of the best Tentwo and Rose stories I've ever read! Thank you so much! Insta fav
stefanie1955 chapter 3 . 4/22/2016
I know this is sad for Rose, and in her position I would be so angry with him as well. But this is also so funny because the Doctor has to deal with his doings now. hahahahahahahha. He was so happy that he really was him, and not just a clone of him, that he forgot what he had done, namely, he had left her there without a goodbye. I can practically see his face deflate, hahahahah so comical xD... The man deserves it.
stefanie1955 chapter 2 . 4/22/2016
That phrase had me giggling "despite the absurdity of having an argument with himself"

Yes he has some explaining to do! hahahahahah

So good!
stefanie1955 chapter 1 . 4/22/2016
"What's one more lie? I am always alright. Does it need saying?" xD typical hahahahhahaha That so the Doctor.
BritLitt3 chapter 6 . 5/10/2015
Oh my gosh, I love you! This story makes me feel so much better! You are an angel (and not the weeping kind ;) And the best part is you still keep everyone in character, something not every writer is able to do. Brilliant, fantastic job! I love it! :)
eternalLove59 chapter 24 . 5/5/2015
Damn this was great! I didn't see this last twist coming but I loved what you did! You wonderful writer you ;)
eternalLove59 chapter 1 . 5/4/2015
Canon accepted! Yes this is exactly what happened and no power on Earth will ever convinced me otherwise!
Aria Kudo chapter 24 . 5/3/2015
This story was breathtaking. Loved every second of it. Some points I wanted to ball my eyes out, other times I was grinning like an idiot. One of the best Rose X 10 fanfictions I have ever had the pleasure of reading. I know I will be re-reading this and sharing it with all my friends. I stayed up till almost 6am one night reading this and I did not regret a second. Keep up your fanfictions. You are fantastic. Use your gift. Write your own book. You would do fantastic.
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