Reviews for Orphans
Kearitona Sjachraelgil chapter 55 . 5/27
FUCKING FINALLY THANK THE FREAKIN LORDS Mai finally knows AND the Sennen's heard it from TWO experts that something severely traumatizing happened to Atemu and now with Yami missing and in the hands of that monster finally, their goddam eyes can be opened cause yeah guess what Aky your stupid perversely sick brother was who previously abused Yami and he's back for more so you best pray your ready for this one cause there will be no turning back from this and if it all stems from you denying him part of your company then it's even more on your head you actions drove Akunadin to what he's doing now including hurting those boys and you did nothing to take note of that situation your trying and we get that but you clearly didn't pay attention to the signs of a physically abused victim and desperate brother who wants his brother safe now you've heard it from two experts on the situation who recognize the signs now think who could they have come into contact with to do something like this since no one in Domino has even tried to touch them or do them harm outside of Jou being an idiot and Yugi saying something he didn't mean to certainly not in the way it sounded if anything it was a self insult all he was trying to say is he doesn't give up on anyone he will not stop trying to help everyone around him even if it just hurts him in the end. As for Ryou seriously, after all, you did to Malik you expect him to open back up to you god you truly are a selfish whiny brat who clearly needs to learn things the hard way it seems, either way, keep up the great work gtg now JA NE
Lil' Dark chapter 55 . 5/26
Mmmh, interesting! The dark poem is dark indeed and I'm glad Atemu finally told Mai what was going on. Hopefully it will end well, but we shall see. Good writing too, job well done
The Queen of Plot Twists chapter 55 . 5/26
Holy hell that was awesome! Akefia’s twiatwd horror love kite was my fav with the real heart I loved how it freaked out Atem!
But even more so I’m thrilled Atem was finally able to talk to Mai and she’s got the police on her side! She’s not taking any chances!
And also I was glad Peggy and Solomon were able to help Aky figure out what’s going on with Atem—it was clear feomnhis fears that he loves the boys and wants whatever best for him but his fears that “atem is trouble” weren’t out of malice but our id concern he honestly doesn’t know how to help him and I was glad Solomon and leggy helped him figure out that it’s nir Atem himself but something that changed aka the warehouse incident and the possibility that he wasn’t jokester (which he was)
I love Yugi! He and Atem may not be official but he clearly cares and wants to be there for him and in glad the boys for off with a minor offense though I do wonder what took the judge so long too... unless he was just trying to make them squirm to learn a lesson.
Also Ryou’s part is actually Malik’a Was interesting poor guy ia crushing on ryou but he also knows Ryou can be an asshole and I’m glad Ryou implies but he and Yugi are still together so Malik doesn’t get any wrong impressions—I wouldn’t out urn kast Ryou to use him to make him jealous but I hope I’m wrong!
Oh man what a chapter! Shits gonna go down and things are gonna change and it’s intense. I think the best part of this trial was showing just how much has changed and how much everyone has change since what happened: even Joey is more mature now. And also it showed just how much support these kids have and that is critical.
Kearitona Sjachraelgil chapter 54 . 4/5
FUCKING FINALLY IT TOOK THEM FUCKING LONG ENOUGH TO FUCKING GET IT Yami is in goddam danger and they are about to see it when Atemu finds out Yami never went to school like he was supposed to and they better dam well get that fucking hint he's being hurt JUST LIKE MANA. I am totally disgusted with you Otogi no you did not have her consent she was drunk, you do NOT go at it with someone while they are drunk that's, not rape but its goddam coercion she wasn't ready yet and you took advantage of a lucid situation NO ONE does that except sex craving monsters so you best pray she doesn't get you into serious trouble with it as it stands your never getting back with her after that one you made it quite clear the only thing you wanted was physical pleasure and only to beat freakin Honda who is also unsure if they didn't jump the gun waaay to fas BECAUSE THEY SURE AS HELL DID letting others decide what you do is not romance idiot your competing and you used someone who really liked you to make it happen and chose a douchebaggery way to accomplish it so I hope your proud of yourself so keep up the great work gtg now JA NE
Lil' Dark chapter 54 . 3/15
My heart was thumping in my chest and I feel so sorry for both Yami and Atemu. I hope he'll tell Mai the truth, even though he promised. Although I was actually hoping Yami would have stayed home in the first place. That he'd give in.

I mean, I know the story wouldn't exist if that had happened, but at the start they were more open towards each other and I kind of miss that. Yes, Atemu created that possibly by not telling (and it hurts to read he doesn't realise that) and deep down, he should know they wouldn't get rid of Aknadin like that. Still, glad to see he called Kaiba and yes, I am still mixing the shippings up. My sincere apologies for that too.

Plua, I think the other idea you had still counts, but I can't wait to see what else you'll come up with in regards to getting rid of Aknadin.

Also, I loved the part with Mana and her downright accusing Otogi of what he did. It's a relief from all the other secrecy going in the rest of the story, so it's nice to read she doesn't back down.

Good luck with the next chapter and sorry for my rambling. Now, time to get out of bed and read something fluffy prior to work.
The Queen of Plot Twists chapter 54 . 3/15
Oh shit id di not expect this! oh man this just might be the turning point!
atemu has a chance to tell Mai EVERYTHING and she's willing to listen and believe him, she knows somehting is going on and Atem's acting out because he's scare dout of his fucking wits.
Kaiba already suspects something which is good because the only other person who cares about Yami is him
oh god i was really hoping Yami could escape, but Hasan just dug his own grave-hotels have camrea's even private entrances, and now hes not just guilty of kidnapping but he's a co-conspirituotr in rape, pedophilia and a but load of other charges!
oh man this can g a dozen different ways but the one im hoping for it kaiba tells atem he's not at school which atem says outloud, aky checks the limos and when they check and see Hasan stopped at Aknain's hotel well that's when Atem is gonna break, i can see him promising ell BEGGING that he'll tell them everything if they just help Yami...but knwing you you have a much more realstic plan then again i'v watched SVU so its not that farfetched...Oh god! this is intense.
I hope Atem tells Mai the truth and tells her everything because she's right she's willing to listen and even if its just a HINT of sexual harrassment in any form they HAVE to investigate and take that seriously for this very reason.
i'm also so porud of yami for fighting-he kicked screamed and he fought tooht and naila nd i hope he continued to do that with Aknadin, because even if Aknadin "promises" not to hurt Atem he already as and even if he makes that promise again Yami can also counter he'll just do it anyway...oh god! so much!
and i love how yugi is so concerned about him, and given Atem's reaction, this could be where Sky and Solomon have their talk and Solomon can point out what he knows...they may be able to get the trial delayed for this too...oh god so intense!
The Queen of Plot Twists chapter 53 . 2/28
I did not expect another chap but i was thrilled! The realism is amazing from kisara freaking out about but he sex with Honda to poor mana, majad being the best brother ever and Otogi trying to correct his stupidity even to Tea freaking out about her audition and wondering if she should go for it or not and her concern iverbjkey I love it!
Atem’s temper tantrum was realistic too and I love that we actually got to see him spending time with Amara she’s been absent this whole story I think it’s by time we got to see her—maybe tomorrow she’ll be with a yami or find that crumbled note and if she calls that number a ally know she’ll recognize the voice voice...
And both Seto and Mai are noticing signs—atem And yami are showing the textbook signs of Molestation and if Yami doesn’t show up Seto will know something’s wrong—I almost feel like at this point aomeone other than atem needs to flat out ask a yami is aknadin raped him-/it’s the only by way to get the truth be because matter what Yami’s will never be able to Deny it and I would be surprised if by he broke down.
I freaking love Akefia his scene with atem was great though atem is clearly not into it I almost wonder if he’ll leave yugi alone now as he doesn’t seem to consider him a rival right now and I liked we got to see Yugi and the consequences of his actions. This story is fantastic! It’s incredible how all these stories interact!
Lil' Dark chapter 53 . 2/28
Yay! Congrats on updating and it's nice to see Mahado has a good sense of mind. I really liked it to read that and I hope Mana will tell him the truth so there will be some castrating done lol

Also, loved Akefia in this one again and Atemu's little temper tantrum. Akefia got what he wanted too from Yugi and I'm curious to see if (with Yugi's words) and with Akefia's new obsession, he'll leave Yugi alone. But we'll see.
The Queen of Plot Twists chapter 52 . 2/24
seriously this is the only story where soon as i see an update my heart literally stops!
oh otogi how can you be so caring and so stupid at the same time sex is totally different for boys than it is for girls, and he doesnt even realize that honda and kisara regretted their first time..he's an idiot, he could've gotten in a lot of trouble for spiking her drink and now he is, i didn't think they'd actually do it, but the worst part is he actually really likes Mana, poor mana that's the worst...
as for akefia i freaking love him and was also a little afrai-i didn't think he was gonna give atem an ACTUAL heart.
the tiral is next chapter so it will be interesting seeing it from atem, yugi and joey's pov...
Hasan you bastard! he kows whats going on and he's helping? god you think narcotics is bad? you think they won't deport you for aiding nnd abedding a rapist, prostituting a teenager and NOT reporting a sign of sexual abuse-legally NOT reporting even the SUSPICION of abuse in any form but ESPECIALLY sexual is illegal...god poor yami, he's going through so much and as soon as he said this was his new "normal" my heart just broke...
I'm almost hoping Amara takes him out or somehting but if Hasan is bringing him thee then there is no hope..unless someone sees them, we know Mai is still investigating. and Kaiba will notice when hes not in school-and he also knows Aknadin is the one who raped him, neither Yami nor Atem are alone now and Aknadin may think he's untouchable but all it takes is one incident, one voice and the whole thing omes crashing down...and Atem to is on the verge of breaking, he knows what Aknadin is doing and he feels helpless to do anything.
and poor Aky, his best friend is in the hospital, may die (and we still don't know the cause of that "accident", god i feel for the guy, but i also cant help but wonder if he's being purposely naive, he doesn't want to believe his brother is evil, but he's not noticing that yami and atem are acting out for a reason, he's not listening to Mai's advice, and honest i think if he were to explain their behavior to Solomon, who was a former social worked he's recognize ALL the signs that both his boys have been molested or sexually assaulted...and he needs to wake up soon or something terrible is going to happen and he's not gonna be able to solve it...
its a whole jumble of problems and stories and they're all linked together is such an incredible way that i have no idea what the climax is gonna be like, but great job girl.i know you have a plan but i'm really hoping for a miracle for yami and atem soon (and it might even be Akefia or Yugi who helps the twins realize they need to stop being silent and talk-after all Akefia told his father what his mother did and it saved his life, whether ryou thinks so or not, all because he spoke up, their voices have power but he's got them so scared they're afraid and can't even see that he's already broken his promise). ah man i can't wait to see what unfolds!
Lil' Dark chapter 52 . 2/24
To be honest, the further we get into the story, the more disturbed I am. Not just by Yami and Atemu's storyline, but Akefia's and Mana's now too. I need a cuddle blanket asap... But it is still awesome you achieved your goal of updating this story! Congratulations on that :D
Kearitona Sjachraelgil chapter 51 . 10/18/2019
My effing God it's all going to hell in a hand basket and I swear to god Ryou if you escalate this I will not forgive you your turning obsessed over Yugi and it's disgusting if you aid in the destruction of innocent lives I will NEVER forgive you for it you insufferable brat you throw away everything around you in blind misguided confusion you know nothing of the world cause you mask your own insecurities guilts and shame behind childish behavior your a selfish self centered spoiled BRAT WAKE UP MORON you need to get your head out of the clouds and see the world as it is before you go beyond being savable. Plus how HARD is it for people to recognize the signs it's like none of them even consider how bad people can be out there it truly is the blindness at it's worst so sure no one could do such a thing that it's just teens lashing out being teens being attention seekers that they don't see the god dam warnings until it's full on nuclear in their faces. May you all see it before it's that too late because otherwise you will be in for some very hefty karma of your own WITH that monster. For make no mistake people your have two very in danger teens right now with that monster in their surroundings and if not stopped could lead to their destruction and your total loss of everything the lot of you you think gangs and school crushes are bad thats just sprinkles on this Angst cake the real cake and icing is far more sinister then that so I truly hope you catch on before it's too late keep up the great work gtg now JA NE mean while I got a shit load of Karma to dump onto a monster so he can pay is overly late dues
The Queen of Plot Twists chapter 51 . 10/18/2019
Oh ny god this chapter that ending was hell! Alnadin kniws Karim is on to him so this was either coincidence or attempted nursed! And he’s planning on going after Yani again so if Aky is smart and we all know he is he’ll make sure Yami stays with Nai—and in holing Amy was telling his brother this because even if he doesn’t WANT to believe his brother is a oedophile and a rapist he still wants to protect those boys and be you can tell he loves them.
That said I love Yani and seri: they fight because they care and it’s clear that they do. Yanis defensiveness is okay further evidence of his crumbling emotional state
And I loved yugi too he’s trying to make things right.
God I always laugh ny ass off when I see Ryou and zorc and he doesn’t know it’s akefia...oh cold cruel irony...poor Akefia is only gonna drive Atem away at this rate but it would be interesting to see if THIS is what gets those two to realize how close they actually are: akefia and Ryou might hate each other but Zorc and White Magician are best friends and that irony is hilarious! Another great chapter..:the drama never ends and I’m curious to see how the court goes since all our boys are much more mature now than they were then...
Lil' Dark chapter 51 . 10/18/2019
Well, that was a boulder barreling down hill quite fast at the end. We have the first death, wonder how many more will happen, although I am still queasy with Akunadin's section... I can't help it. Still makes me shudder when I think back on what happened, but I am looking forward to court date to see what will happen.

Really good chapter overall and I'm glad you were able to finish it before nanowrimo! Whoop! Mission accomplished! :D
Kearitona Sjachraelgil chapter 50 . 8/28/2019
Fantastic back to square one with them trusting no one all over again I fucking hate Akunadin he needs to suffer with every last ounce that can be given to him. I mean for fucks sake people the signs are ALL there not wanting to touch anyone not wanting to talk YAMI BEING SEEN FLEEING THE GOD DAM FUCKING HOTEL THAT MONSTER IS IN do I need to spell it out for you they are the victims of extreme child abuse and in Yami's case fucking rape AGAIN but not a single one of you give a flying fuck and truly if you beat your so called son then congratulations for helping the cause nice to see how much your like your brother indeed he didn't mean to hit you moron it was an act of defense and rush but you again are so piss poor at reading the god dam signs how the fuck are you the Aknakanon I respect the answers are beyond obvious so pay attention and then you might admit it cause there is no way they will not until they can be sure they are safe from monsters like him you are just ensuring the won't talk to anyone how can they trust anyone who beats them for being so upset about things they know you don't know cause how the fuck are you going to believe them you don't even want to hear of your brother being a pedophile but he is keep up the great work gtg now JA NE
The Queen of Plot Twists chapter 50 . 8/26/2019
Man that was a long chapter but worth it! Poor yami! Again his reactions and responses are very accurate and it shows just how psychologically damaging this is—worse he was recovering very well and now he feels like he has no escape (I really feel at some point Solomon and Seto will recognize the signs) but it’s good Atem knows
Atem’s discipline scene is mixed about Aky’s right about him not using violence but it was an accident and no one is letting Atem speak and mais right about this doing more harm than good—whatever trust atem had in him before despite Aky’s intentions and feelings on the issue and it’s clear he loves the kids, has been significantly reduced. They need the boys to TRUST them to get to the truth and they can’t! Not won’t hur can’t! It’s heartbreakibg!
On a second note I loved that Honda and kisara have been able to reconcile and things are going well for Joey and Anzu and her parents can see what a good man Joey is :)
I also liked akefia’s pov—Ryou needed that tough love because Bakura’s right his attitude and self centered easy ia gonna lush people away and can I just say I LOVE His convos with zircon! XD I can’t wait to see the horror con reaction to all this!
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