Reviews for No Way Out
AgentKalGibbs chapter 1 . 7/28/2019
This is great! I’m with Cal though, I def was expecting scratching XD
Anon.Y.Mouse chapter 1 . 4/13/2018
I like this idea... shame they didn’t actually do this on LTM! :-) Your version is good though :-)
neweldi chapter 1 . 4/12/2014
Thanks for writing this story.
sickyoungchick chapter 1 . 4/18/2011
I know you wrote this quite a while ago, but I only just stumbled across it, and I thought it was great. The characters were strong, it had heart and warmth, humour and a proper level of seriousness and it didn't descend into tired old ff cliches. Great work!
lietomebaby chapter 1 . 2/22/2011
I liked it. Good talk between Zoe and Gillian. You had a good idea making them have a way of talking it out.
recoilandgrace chapter 1 . 1/29/2011

For real, though... I've always loved the tension in the Gillian/Zoe dynamic, and I think that you captured it really well. Zoe's snark with Gillian's understated bitchiness? YES PLEASE. So, so good. nom.

joiedevivre2011 chapter 1 . 1/22/2011
Ahhh, you have to continue this story! There are so many ways you can go with it. Puhleaseeee? haha
sash queen of the jungle chapter 1 . 1/21/2011
Wow what a nightmare for Gillian.! They survived though. Thanks for writing and sharing.
nikkidog chapter 1 . 1/20/2011
I'm so glad you decided to finish and post this fic. I have always like the idea of Zoe and Gillian being friendly, not buddy-buddy, but friendly enough to work together without being bitchy. Thanks.
Fine Fall chapter 1 . 1/20/2011
I simply LOVE this story :)

Just the conversation between Zoe and Gillian, and how they came to an understanding along the way. I like how you wrote the tension between them and focused on getting them to talk everything out. They stopped playing nice with each other and just laid all their feelings out there. Would love to see that happening on the show sometime :O

And Cals decision at the end to take the stairs instead of the elevator leaves the reader with the impression that Cal and Gillian will figure something out in the not too distant future. I actually like how you don't make them fall in each others arms, kiss each other all over and head straight for a bedroom very refreshing. They are way more than that.

There's too much to comment on so I'll just leave it right here.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and like the concept of getting Gillian and Zoe to talk to each other, without making the 'trapped-in-an-elevator' too much of a cliché. Kudos for that :D
Vickysg1 chapter 1 . 1/20/2011
That was awesome! I love that Zoe and Gillian got to talk! And yeah for Cal going crazy 'cos he doesn't know what they were talking about!
Tvmatchmaker795 chapter 1 . 1/19/2011
I love this story! This is an amazing story and this really shows the nature of the two women in Cal's life and how they see each other. I really hope that you make a Callian fic. Your story is so amazing real and not fake or too fluffy at the same time.
aoutis chapter 1 . 1/19/2011
"Did you not hear about my divorce?"

"Of course I did. Cal was practically giddy when he told me."

He totally was at the beginning of Season Two and after Burns. :)

"Oh, he'd never cheat on you," Zoe said quickly. "If you two did get together, he'd stop sleeping with me. I know that."

I think this is very true. Sometimes I wonder if part of Zoe's motivation in sleeping with Cal is to see whether he and Gillian have taken that step.

Well done! I really enjoyed it!
beingKitKat chapter 1 . 1/19/2011
This story is really sweet. I always liked Zoe & Gillian together even though they don't like each other. It would be wonderful if they became friends in the show. :) Too bad Jennifer Beals is doing The Chicago Code now.
Beckett NYPD chapter 1 . 1/19/2011
Really enjoyed that one shot. I kind of miss Jennifer being in it as well, but I do wish they would let Gil and Cal make more progress in their relationship.
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