Reviews for The Song Remains the Same
pNoSj chapter 1 . 9/1/2018
Veri n1c319ist0rihq
Nanker Phelge chapter 4 . 7/22/2011
I really like the flow of your story so far!
Robomon chapter 4 . 6/20/2011
I really like this. In the first 2 chapters ray was a little ooc but not now. Please continue this story.
ReikiConvulsion chapter 1 . 5/24/2011
"No fuck these guys! I heard you guys sucked, YOU SUCK!"

lol, that line is pretty great. Made me laugh, because I could totally see some drunk guy screaming that too!

I like the opening of this story a lot, what with Ryusuke being an asshole towards Koyuki and all. The guy is such an alcoholic that it's no surprise that sooner or later someone was goign to get puked on. Poor Koyuki just doesn't have any good luck, does he?

And by the way, thanks for reviewing my story. I've been trying to bypass the 'reply to review' system for about fifteen minutes now, haha, but I keep getting error messages. So I thought "Hey, wonder if TheBombDiggity has a story! Then I can just thank them AND give them a review in return!"

:D Have an awesome day dude.
SinderellaSixty chapter 4 . 2/19/2011
I like it.

You should definetly go on.
rutger5000 chapter 2 . 1/31/2011
I think you should be more confident about your work. This is a good read, keep up the good work. Though I must say I missed the introduction of Alex, who is she?
jm1681 chapter 1 . 1/20/2011
While I can't say I'm familiar with 'Beck' or any of its characters, I CAN say that being in a band, I know exactly what they felt like on that stage ;)

As a musician, you have my applause ;) You conveyed the gut-twisting nervousness quite nicely, and the post-show vomit, well that's just obligatory in the music industry. Any real musician will tell you; we've all been there ;)