Reviews for Dreams of the Soul
sylvelle chapter 14 . 8/6/2018
Back to hati g you. Cannot let Pete and Kinsey win!
sylvelle chapter 8 . 8/6/2018
Question how can Anubis take a host. A goa'uld ca not ascend so I am confused.
ASpecialKindOf chapter 11 . 2/6/2016
Please finish out this story!
wonderwoman1970 chapter 14 . 7/6/2013
I hate hate hate Pete
PatriciaS chapter 18 . 5/7/2011
Just managed to catch up with this one, enjoyed the way you rounded things of ... dear old Kinsley escaping and Jon being accepted by Jack's family. Thanks for sharing.
lightwolf chapter 18 . 5/2/2011
Great can't wait for the next round.
Zer0JMB chapter 18 . 5/1/2011
you know, now that Jon is working at the SGC and Sam is frequently aware of him, she may feel bad for him and ask Thor for a favor ...

just and idea, it would end with SG1 as it was, just with two younger members.
Yol chapter 18 . 4/30/2011
"Wow", thanks for this story, am definitely looking forward to your new story. I too thought you ended this story at the right place. Nicely done, thanks so much for posting.
dpdp chapter 18 . 4/30/2011
Great story. Very nice idea to end here and start a new story. Looking forward to "Agony of the spirit".
vampiresrockroza chapter 18 . 4/30/2011
Loved the story so when u past the sequel can u message me? Thank you
ALIMOO1971 chapter 18 . 4/30/2011
Great chapter and story, it a shame that Sam dosn't contact the asgard to make a clone of her so jon won't be alone but he will be happy, it just a up the good work and i hope you are feeling better soon
samcarter2 chapter 18 . 4/30/2011
I liked the ending. You did a great job! I'll look forward to reading more adventures.
Yol chapter 17 . 4/28/2011
Thanks for the update, can't wait to see what Jon will decide. Please continue with the story, you are very talented. You are also on my favorite author list. So will await your new update.
dpdp chapter 17 . 4/28/2011
Very nice.
ALIMOO1971 chapter 17 . 4/28/2011
Great chapter, i wounder if they got Shannon as well or not you didn't say, please up date soon
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