Reviews for Treachery series continuation
Narshia chapter 24 . 11/12/2015
Is there more to this where they find out who's responsible or what happens when Carlos's body fails?
sd4ianto chapter 2 . 11/1/2014
What an arse Jack is being.
Laylinka chapter 2 . 6/17/2014
I'm stepping into this fic carefully. I like dark but we all have our limits. Illustrating the potential events after 'Cvberwoman' concerning Ianto sounds very interesting though.
NormalityIsNonexistent chapter 5 . 4/3/2012
Skipping right along...
NormalityIsNonexistent chapter 4 . 4/3/2012
That was strange.
NormalityIsNonexistent chapter 3 . 4/3/2012
What has Jack done? Oh, if I could get my hands on him...
NormalityIsNonexistent chapter 2 . 4/3/2012
Jack's gone off the deep end.
NormalityIsNonexistent chapter 1 . 4/3/2012
This is not going to end well.
Winterine chapter 24 . 2/25/2012
Reading all these chapters...only to have it end like that? I found myself frowning with a mixture of disappointment and frustration. Like Lady Emma Wentworth said in their review, I would have liked a happier ending for Ianto and Jack. I know you were going for drama/angst/dark themes, and there was plenty, but after a rollercoaster ride like that it was rather dissatisfying to end relatively vaguely and with so many things still unresolved.

I'm not sold on the whole Carlos idea, especially as a serious or long-term relationship for Ianto, but that's me. If Carlos (or his clones) only ever saw Ianto as an assignment, one of these days Ianto will find out and it surely won't be pretty for either of them. I can't see Carlos ever having the same depth of feeling as John/Ianto does for him.

Well done though, in that the story was confronting, though-provoking and pushed readers around emotionally. For now, I think I'll have to find some happier (Janto) stories to read :)
Lady Emma Wentworth chapter 24 . 10/26/2011
Okay, I just blazed through all 25 chapters of this story, and I have to tell you that I have run the entire gamut of emotions here! Anger over Jack's callous throwing away of Ianto to UNIT; horror about UNIT's destruction of Ianto Jones; anticipation concerning Ianto's new life and duties; happiness for Tosh & Owen finally being together; fear for Tosh during her journey through that duct; joy for a mostly-successful mission; and then a combination of satisfaction and distress because of the ending.

I'm glad that Ianto is safe, happy, and loved yet distressed that he's not with Jack where he should have always been. Then there's the satisfaction that Jack will forever be punished by his own guilt over what he did to Ianto, and the sense of loss he'll feel for the rest of his life for having thrown away any future with Ianto.

This is a story worthy of the big screen! The twists & turns, the science and the sci-fi, it's a bloody brilliant piece of work!

Please say that you're working on a sequel - I really, really, REALLY want to know who's ultimately responsible - well, no, cause that's Jack, isn't it - but who the real top bad guy is and what else they've been up to, and how Torchwood brings them down! Please, please, PLEASE finish this saga - give us our vengence for loss of our beloved Ianto?
Quiet Time chapter 24 . 6/6/2011
I'm hoping you've left loose ends because there's a sequel, but I'm just being greedy! Have googled but still don't get the poker reference - *sigh* Great story, sorry it's over.
bellykaat chapter 24 . 6/6/2011
Very nice ending, thank you. I'm glad there was still a Carlos around who was willing to stay with John. If you do decide to write more in this universe, I'll definitely be happy to read more! Looking forward to seeing more from you, in any universe. Thanks so much for sharing.
Twinchy chapter 24 . 6/6/2011
*heaves a heavy sigh*

I think it was a pretty good solution having this chapter take place a few years later and revealing what happened in retrospect.

It's also very good to know that while Jack and the rest of Torchwood don't meddle with John's new life (too much) anymore, they are still there (a mere stone throw away) and keeping an eye on things - just to prevent major catastrophies.

And the fact that John even has got Carlos - which I didn't dare hope, to be honest - although UNIT obviously did kill the original poor Carlos, sadly, makes me happy for the two of them.

They should make the most of their time together though as Carlos' deteriorating health shows they probably won't have all of eternity to spend together. Still, of course I agree with John's partner that to him, seeing as he has got 'original Carlos' memories, he is just as real as the not-clone.

On the other hand, it really breakes my heart that John and Jack didn't get to work through their problems and that the Brigadier's real niece has never been found. Plus, I admit to being a little disappointed that they didn't even learn who their adversary truly is/was.

Of course, I am not complaining, just not entirely satisfied with the finish (so far). *hugs*
workingsomecoffeemagic chapter 24 . 6/6/2011
Great story! As usual :) ... I'm glad Ianto/John got to lead a happy life with Carlos...
bellykaat chapter 23 . 6/3/2011
Wow. The end already? What a ride this story has been. And John/Ianto still really messed up in the head. I hope the epiloge finds him at least on the path to recovery, and Jack feeling a bit bad about all the mess he helped create.
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