Reviews for Do I Dare Disturb the Universe?
Rayne Destiny chapter 17 . 8/6
I started this years ago, and I’m really happy to be able to finish it! It was wonderful, and I’ll see you on AO3~
Brenda Joyeux1 chapter 17 . 8/5
First of all thank you so much for sharing this story. Second I'm thankful that you've finish this story where others doesn't want to finish their stories for whatever reason, whether it's Time or inspiration or worse, , that they had move on. So if you feel like sharing ? Do it. And even there are not a lot Snow\Light shippers anymore nowadays but I'm still here and it will be pleasure to share like always. Take care until then.
write-error chapter 16 . 8/2
I just wanted to leave a review here as well because I don't get why this story doesn't get more attention - it totally deserves it! I'm looking forward to seeing the boss of those cocoon reaver dudes get his comeuppance. Thanks again for sharing :)
Brenda Joyeux1 chapter 16 . 7/29
First thing. That was so hot that I have to take break between lecture...To take some air. Anyway. The other thing is that it's so more than I was hoping. Because at the start I was thinking that if only they could meet make peace start anew their relationship, I would have been happy. But with that cliffhanger where Light found à dead body that looks like Snow ? I was hoping with all my heart that it was a mistake. Just a body who look like Snow and it can't be him cause he will come and find her. And the wait was verrrrrry long.
x lonelyaurora x chapter 16 . 7/27
Are you trying to kill me? I get a triple whammy of updates in the space of a couple days and now this? I'm still fanning myself as we speak, I may not recover. As a writer who has proved yourself incredibly talented for writing action, you have been fantastic at capturing the increasing intensity of this relationship. And you said you can't write romance? Wow. (And I am so incredibly stoked to hear you are working on Evolution as well!). You are spoiling us! Can't wait to see how you wrap this up. Thank you so much again for continuing to write - my brain does an undignified little shriek of joy everytime I see you've updated!
Brenda Joyeux1 chapter 15 . 7/25
Oh my, where should I begin !? First we already knew from the first game Lightning was total Badass. But I would say she's finally herself here cause in the. third game it was just ridiculous. Even her look was suspiscious. Second. I heard that in the second game Hope did grow up but in the third ? He's a kid again... It totally makes.. but I don't get it. And last but not least, it's so great you brang them back. And I don't know if it's because of them being almost together but the atmosphere was light and funny. So if you are to write some one-shot, just so you know, you do funny as good as dark .
Brenda Joyeux1 chapter 14 . 7/24
Ciel avec elle a été découverte !
Metha S chapter 13 . 4/9
this is awesome! been waiting for an update for so long. hope you continue this
x lonelyaurora x chapter 13 . 4/2
I really enjoyed that last conversation with Lightning and Snow. You balance their disagreements and harmony so well without making it sound forced. It comes through really naturally. And I'm glad the whole incident with Jace was addressed as well. Really looking forward to where this is leading! Keeping my eye out for the next chapter!
Brenda Joyeux1 chapter 13 . 4/1
It brings so much good memories. I haven't play for a long time aside the last FF.. So bring it on. Lol.
Brenda Joyeux1 chapter 12 . 4/1
Firstly thank you again for being back. And second that's why they are my fave couple in all the FF saga. They have such chemistry between them that you've got to be blind to not see how good they are together.
x lonelyaurora x chapter 12 . 3/30
I was going to leave a review when I saw you update a couple chapters ago - but I am so happy to see you update! Thank you, thank you for coming back to these stories, your writing is still brilliant and so fantastically vivid. No one else has had me quite so hooked and on the edge of my seat every chapter like you do.

You are on a roll my dear! And I hope you know you've got a very loyal group of readers who love your work, so please do continue (I'm crossing my fingers you may get round to updating Evolution too, because that is equally amazing). It's great to see you back in full force!
Guest chapter 12 . 3/29
Brenda Joyeux1 chapter 11 . 3/28
That's why this chapter remind so much of a tableau. And I'm so glad that this story hadn't just been forgotten in some dark corner. Lol.
Brenda Joyeux1 chapter 10 . 3/28
I thought that I'd made a mistake when I saw the update. Anyway this was a great chapter and a beautiful one. Well for me it is.
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