Reviews for The Better Man
Sinceslicedbread chapter 30 . 2/9/2014
Sinceslicedbread chapter 22 . 2/6/2014
I am heartbroken; but one truth penetrates my pain, the fact that Reid's decision is wrong.
Sinceslicedbread chapter 20 . 2/2/2014
"Stars exploded beneath his eyelids." They pretty much exploded in front of mine too. Great ... (insert your own adjective here) job.
Sinceslicedbread chapter 12 . 1/30/2014
All of life's heartfelt moments are softly spoken.
I rest my case.
Sinceslicedbread chapter 8 . 1/29/2014
Deep love is developing in my chest for artfully naughty Benmona and the deliciously duped LuRe.
You have a very engaging and fluid writing style.
Sinceslicedbread chapter 5 . 1/28/2014
I'm seriously falling in love with Ben.
Great writing.
Sinceslicedbread chapter 4 . 1/28/2014
I think I've developed my latest crush, Ben is a fantastic original character. I hope he helps Luke open his eyes, to the new opportunity that is currently staring him in the face.
Sinceslicedbread chapter 2 . 1/27/2014
Excellent start.
Excellent chemistry.
I especially like the carefully interwoven bits of canon.
guest chapter 30 . 1/13/2014
Great story, i loved it.
Thanks for sharing.
Winnie chapter 2 . 8/15/2012
Good concept, but try to be more original, don't use too many lines from the series yeah?
IcyHotwithPeppermintontop chapter 30 . 8/3/2012
this was a really good story, i loves it! :)
Fremi chapter 30 . 3/14/2012
Just finished your story! Could not stop reading it, fantastic job! Al the characters worked. I am really looking forward to a sequel!
Lurelei chapter 30 . 11/25/2011
Couldn't stop reading. Loved it. The Ben character added a lot of fun. It was great to see how you used LuRe's gestures, looks and lines. (One I missed is "One is not such a low number") So, a sequel? I'll be looking forward to it.
I.Michaela chapter 30 . 10/4/2011
Just finished the last two chapters. Ugh...I am going to miss this fanfic so much. It was one of the few really good Reid and Luke stories. Can't wait for the sequel. You did an awesome job.
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