Reviews for Tangled
Eventideless chapter 1 . 4/21/2012
Wow... this is just... I love this! *hearts* It's pretty short, but who cares! You did a great job! d()b
PinkyFinger chapter 1 . 3/20/2012
I avoid angst stories like the plague I'm not a fan of dramas in general specially if it's a tragic one, but after reading one of your stories I couldn't help myself.

The gentle kiss tugged at my heartstrings and even more so when Allen realized what the kiss meant. It pains me that Allen doesn't have the luxury to just plop down and cry his heart out like the rest of us do when we lost the person we love the most.

Your words are brilliant! Simple but powerful and it rightfully conveys the deepest emotions of the characters. But it's not just about that, it's not just how perfect you choose your words nor how perfect you construct your sentences, it's about how you tell your story that makes you a great author. This is truly a wonderful piece and I thank you very much for sharing this.
Hesunohana chapter 1 . 7/28/2011
beautifull !
TheEndofTag chapter 1 . 3/18/2011
awww this is just beautiful! And i agree that Allen adn Kanda's love is not the sweet kiond but the more roughrer kind because it fits them so perfectly! Hehehe. Of course, a true love kiss will awake the person you love. Just love it!
Nherizu chapter 1 . 3/11/2011
Isuuuuuuuuu setalh aq baca ulang lagi sepintas-sepintas, malam ini (akhirnya?) dirimu menerima review komplit dariku yang katanya ai bawel ini #shot

Kenapa pake bahasa Indo? karena biar enak aja ramblingnya en ga usah banyak2 orang yang ngerti wehehehehe.

Oke, sepertinya Ai sudah banyak menceritakan ttg kebawelanku ttg karakterisasi ke semua makhluk di luar sana (do you think I should shut her up? Like, with Allen's lips because she's my kanda? #plak), jadiiii mari kita berbicara mengenai karakterisasi dulu sekarang!

Pertama, I DON'T mind fanon! Beneran, aq ga papa sama fanon SELAMA ngga melawan trivia canon. Klo aq sampe bawel ama sesuatu, maka itu karena aq menemukan bahwa fic tersebut ada yang melawan fakta yang udah direveal ama Hoshino, dan itu kalau settingnya canon, akan menjadi sebuah point yang sangaaaat disayangkan. Kita bisa membuat fanon tanpa melanggar fakta canon, bukan? ;)

Jadi intinya (buset dah aq bener2 demen muter2 yaq -_-) saat ini aq akan melihat karakterisasi yang dibuat Isu dengan bertitik pada fakta canon. Dannn mulai!

It was a mutual feeling that they both knew and felt, but never thought to say out loud. What for? Those three words never solved anything—they usually made things more complicated, and neither Kanda nor Allen liked complicity.

Ini... FANON DENGAN RASA CANON. I can totally see them like that. Though, it's not likely to happen in the manga because, DUH, HOSHINO WHY WOULDN'T YOU TURN DGM INTO A YAOI MANGA? #shot

Thus, fanon dengan rasa canon ;)

"This is how our relationship has always been," Allen once said—knuckles stinging from where it had collided with Kanda's cheek—because that was the only way he knew to keep him alive. It was just like he knew that, when Kanda had nearly chopped his head off with Mugen in order to snap him out of the Fourteenth's control, it was the only way Kanda knew to keep him alive. And while it might sound unbelievable and sick to some people, it kept their hearts beating for each other.

Komentar yang idem dengan di atas. Which is why I love this fic so much 3

Every day, before they jumped into the tray that could mean their death, Kanda would seize Allen's hand and crush their lips together. Allen would claw on his uniform, retaliating with as much fervor as they kept their lips locked and tongues battling for a few moments, before pulling back breathlessly and running forward to the battlefield.

Ini pertama baca, langusng mikir 'awwwww buset ini fic dari awal udah jeder2 bangettttt'. jedernya dalam artian, sangat tajam dalam romance xDD

(sangat berbeda dengan style ku yang subtle dan berkesan ga rela mereka pacaran -_-)

Tapi walaupun begitu, karakter mereka berdua tetep ketangkep :3

Dannn intinya, fic ini sebenernya lebih kayak summary (atau setengah summary) jadi untuk karakterisasipun ngga banyak yang bisa diteliti. Seandainya lebih panjang, mungkin aq bisa tangkep lebih, tapi overall ini terlihat sangat in character. Thus, again, Fanon dalam rasa canon :'D

Mungkin itu karena Isu mengambil setting yang jauh di depan, sehingga apapun possible, dan ngga perlu repot menceritakan perkembangan mereka (IMHO justru proses itu yang bikin kebanyakan fanfic author kesulitan bikin mereka tetap IC). Jadi intinya wwwwwowwwwwwwwww Isu berhasil membungkam saya! #plak!

Fic ini sangat IC~ 33

Trus hal kedua yang suka bikin saya bawel: plotholes.

Yang aq lihat di sini, fic Isu juga lolos dari sinar laser mataku yang biasanya bisa mendeteksi plotholes bahkan dalam jarak 10000km #lebay. Well, again itu karena style dari fic ini yang berupa summary, sehingga kemungkinan terjadinya plotholes juga sangat kecil. Still, bravo karena aq ga merasa sempet mengerutkan dahi waktu baca fic ini :'D

Lalu hal ketiga yang biasanya bikin aq bawel adalah FLOW! (kok banyak banget ya aq bawelnya .). Uh. Intinya, flow fic ini menurutku udah pas. Paragraf ke paragraf dan scene antar scenenya kerasa mulus dan ngga loncat-loncat. Isu bilang kan isu buatnya buru-buru, well, klo yang aq liat, flownya nyaris perfect, dan buru-burunya Isu itu hanya terlihat dari run-on-sentences yang emang bertebaran di sini. Tapi kalau menurut aq, justru itu nilai lebih dari fic ini. kenapa? Karena sperti yang aq bilang dari tadi, fic ini kesannya adalah sebuah summary (bukan interaktif). jadi run-on-sentences yang seperti menyuarakan pemikiran kanda & allen melalui deskripsi perilaku dan reaksi mereka, serta beberapa kalimat yang kerasa seperti filosofi hidup mereka itu bikin semuanya terasa pas dan wajar. Karena pikiran manusia memang selalu seperti kereta yang nggak karuan dan saling bertabrakan satu sama lain di dalam otak kan? Gitulah kira2 yang aq tangkep :'D

Dan skarang mari kita menuju errr plot (bukan plotholes) dan suasana yang dibangun. klo soal plot aq hampir ga pernah bawel, karena aq mengkonsumsi jenis apapun xD

Aq sukaaaaaaa ama twistnya xDDD soalnya di ending itu kerasa gimana gitu. Dari suasana yang dibangun dengan rada2 mellow dan jedar jeder itu, tau2 berubah ke heart-warming xD

En aq ga menyangkal sih klo reaksi allen saat tau kanda idup itu termasuk salah satu unsur romance yg jedar jeder dan sempet bikin merinding (dalam artian bagus) bagiku xD

Ja-jadiiii dari segi plot dan suasananya, ini fic simple but so very touching and heart-warming. Twisted though quite predictable (but again that's because ai has said that this fic has the same vibe with her Yuuram fic. So yeah, blame her .)

Overal, fic ini punya rasa canon yang dalem, dengan bumbu2 romance yang kuat en lumayan bikin jantungan, dan twist yang ngga kalah kuat. So yeah, intinya THIS FIC ISN'T CRAPPY AT ALL D:

Uniasus chapter 1 . 3/4/2011
I loved the part where Lavi told the Earl to get relationship advice XD
SecretYaoiLoverInc chapter 1 . 2/27/2011
This story... made me feel like I had an Multiple Personality Disorder. At first, I felt sort of, happy(?), for them. Then I felt confused. Then I fet a gut-wrenching saddness. Then I felt sentimental. AND THEN I felt immense joy as I realized this is now my new favorite Yullen fanwork ever. XD Thank you so much for making my day. XP
Thrice the Double U chapter 1 . 2/3/2011
Eh, the Millenium Earl confesses his love for Neah! OMG the world's gonna end now! GAAAH! LOL I think it'd be cool if you wrote a Earl x Neah fic. :) But, anyway, keep up the good work.
Ms. Mumpsimus chapter 1 . 1/29/2011
Epic! I so love this! _

I've also read that line before and I immediately searched for my notebook where I usually write my favorite lines/quotations from my favorite anime/manga and there it was! Grinning at me like an idiot.

That was truly awesome.

Thanks for posting this!
DevilPrincessOfDarkWorld chapter 1 . 1/29/2011
Nice and Perfect But I thought Alma Karma WAS male?
EXO718 chapter 1 . 1/23/2011
that was so sweet, and the Sprout's kiss woke Kanda up "sleeping beauty style". Thank you, your style is very similar to aly-puff.
PurpleGolem666 chapter 1 . 1/22/2011
NIce story...

I realy want it to end like this.

withoud Komui died of course..
marufu-chan chapter 1 . 1/22/2011
Loved the ending very cute! I enjoyed this story, keep up the good work. n.n

Glad the story wasn't as bad as you made it out to be.
a1y-puff chapter 1 . 1/22/2011
Okay yeah, my eyes are barely open now, so forgive me if my review is incoherent or weird. buuut -huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugs- YOU DO NOT FAIL! I swear if I hear/read you say you fail on this fic again, I'll-do something. XD

Anyway. First thing first, the a/n. D'aaaaww -tacklsglomps- what have you been babbling about me anyway? XD but yeah, love you too, and I'll doodle something XD

Now onto the story~

I already keysmashed to you via text, so I shouldn't do that agin /hjere/ but a;kdh;ikshfdhfkasdhf' HOLY SHIT!

Yeah, that was what I thought when I read the opening part. Why? Because there are so many spot-on sentences, dammit. Like, these:

It was there, when Allen would automatically place himself by Kanda's side most of the time they were off for a mission—a subtle, unspoken "I would appreciate it if you'd keep your distance, please. Just saying, but Kanda bites—only me, usually; so I'd like to keep it that way, thank you very much."

It was there when Kanda let Allen sit next to or before him at breakfast—who knew, with the way Allen inhaled his food, his death might not be caused by Akuma or Noah or his stupid Innocence sapping his life away—but instead, by choking. In that case, he needed to be close by, since he was the only one who could punch Allen's stomach hard enough so that the offending piece of food would come off his respiratory system. After all, a dead Allen sounded worse than a fake-smiling Allen.

It was there when they sparred; giving each other their best, because holding back meant risking losing the other over a random Akuma attack.

-juuust UGH! I LOVE those lines! *heartsheartshearts*

*cough* Anyway.

i just-love their relationship in this. It's like, they're established-but-not-really. HTS, if you would XD #plak #salah

butbut-yeah. I like the mention of Lenalee too, about the romantic girl part nd the mother part. That was just DAMN, you know? Especially this line:

-because for them, who lived and breathed the battlefield, the most effective way they knew to convey their innermost emotions was through violence.

I never thought of it in that way, you know? So I was all "Damn it's true!"

And this line:

But he could taste his own blood and remembered that it was Kanda who made his lips bleed, and then he'd truly smile and decided that the present was what mattered, and he was Kanda's 'present' and so he couldn't die yet.

-it was just... aaaww 333 I lovelovelove it. I love that you brought in Alma and the woamn, but then you practically have Allen PWND them by saying that Allen wasKanda's 'present', because HELL YEAH IT'S TRUE! Not to be mean but Alma and the woman is dead. Allen is ALIVE AND KICKING! XD

Also, the part when Kanda kissed Allen gently before a battle? I just /knew/ it was a goodbye. and I was already "Nonononononoooo DDDD:" and TBH, i got kinda of teary eyed. From then to how Allen found Kanda dead and NOT surprised and and-and then youuuuuu! XDDD I dunno is I should smack you or huggle you,, but that's an unexpected twist, really. A very welcomed one~!

I really, really like that scene, you know, where Allen was at first only asked "What are you doing?" as if it wasn't that big of a deal, but then he started laughing hysterically. It was-a very humane reaction, i think. And it felt just-natural. And and I JUST WANT OT KEYSMASH OVER THAT SCENE DAMMIT THE WHOLE SCENE UNTIIL THE ENDING 'EH'OIHJFIRHFOIQHR'QIRH'QHRNW'AFEH'


Yeah okay, I think I'm high due to the lack of sleep. BUT I MEANT WHAT I SAID (typed) HERE! D:

butbutbut yeah i love this, I really do, and I'm not saying this just because you wrote it, or because it was written for me. If you don't believe me, I'll get hurt :

But seriously, I love your word choice. Like-they just stab in the right place-if you get what i mean. (prolly not lol). I was actually surpised that you managed somethign like this. Butbut yeah. THIS ISN'T PHAIL. AT ALL. D:

annnd yeah I'm just gonna repeat myself at this rate. You get the point, don't you? This was MUCH better than your previous Yullens, I swear. That means, WRITE MORE! :'D

...okay yeah, I need sleep xD; *4:34am now*

I love you 3