Reviews for Warden, Who Me?
Paul Lenzen chapter 60 . 6/30/2019
Oh what an end. What an end
Gabby0515 chapter 60 . 7/2/2016
Took me two days to read through this. Amazing job. Have you done a sequel with events happening in Inquisition or thoight about doing one? I would read it!
thekidisnotyourson chapter 1 . 11/20/2013
I just wanted to say how much I love this. It is so well done, and I love how Alistair is portryed in this...Blondie, tee hee.
XYZ12 chapter 7 . 8/14/2013
"I'm deeply offended," she snarled. "My breasts are way better looking than yours!"

Favoriting/Following JUST for that LINE XD
Guest chapter 60 . 2/26/2013
Jinx stupid
The Fabulous A.J chapter 60 . 1/13/2013
This was an interesting read. I think I would have enjoyed it better if you'd cut down on the cussing. It really wasn't necessary. Also, if Jinx had been in my party, she would have been kicked out, because you didn't really make her a likeable character.

Still, an interesting read. Good job.
csorciere chapter 60 . 8/4/2012
Finished reading, I can definitely say that I really enjoyed the last 37 chapters. Nice to see Eamon get such a horrific death...wish it could have been worse because he definitely deserved it. I told you'd I'd read the rest of it. *grins* Too bad we didn't have a cure for the Wardens at this point, but at least Alistair and Jinx had 3 kids.
csorciere chapter 23 . 8/4/2012
Okay, I am on Chapter 23 of this and I know that there is a lot more to Jinx than meets the eye. I like the basis of the story and I will definitely keep reading. However, I have to say that I find her nicknaming everyone she meets really annoying. Horse-face? Darky? Jerky? Sorry, they are all abrasive nicknames and her profanity...I just would not expect that sort of behavior from anyone that is supposed to be the next Teyrna, it just does not feel right. I'm really trying to overlook all the nicknaming going on because other than that, I like it. Maybe she calms down in later chapters, I don't know I'm not to the end yet, but I definitely like Alistair in this. He is very much a keeper.
alyssacousland chapter 21 . 7/14/2012
Hi, Shirosim. I never mentioned a scowling elf, lol. I suggest you reread Chapter 3, where she meets everyone. I mention a scantily dressed WOMAN, who is scowling. This is Morrigan. :D
Thanks for your feedback! :D
ShiroSim chapter 21 . 7/14/2012
Now that i read this chapter i am glad to see Jowan... Scratch that part .
ShiroSim chapter 21 . 7/14/2012
Ok. Let me get this straight. Your story is good but there is a thing that remains a mystery to me... or two. You are bringing characters into your story then to grab then out like that never happened. First of all it was at the place where 'jinx' met the party members there you mentioned an elf who had reveiling clothes and everything ,with a glare that could kill. I assumed that it was the dalish elf origin and i thought oohh wow ! this will be interesting. You have not spoke about her for the rest of the story. Second there is Jowan. He disapeared! I suggest you take a paper and use 'plan before write' strategy. The story is pretty good by the way.
kogouma chapter 34 . 6/20/2012
can i punch Eamon in the face?pretty pleas with a cherry on top?

pffft,i couldn't stop laughing at must have been embarrassing.
kogouma chapter 24 . 6/18/2012
i see your distaste of Arl Eamon shows up yet 't blame you i hate the guy too xD

don't know why,i just never liked the only ones i hate more are Anora and because shes a manipulative b-ch and Isolde because she's just plain annoying,what with the whole 'Teeeeggggaaaannnn!' knew a person could be so annoying by just saying a name.
kogouma chapter 8 . 6/15/2012
Go Ali-bear!win Jinx's heart!and boo Marcus,he sucks ;D
moosesaregreat chapter 17 . 2/15/2012
I just got to the twist in the Bracilian Forest...I absolutely love it! And of course you did a phenomenal job writing it, don't short yourself. ;)
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