Reviews for Rewrite
musme chapter 20 . 11/8/2014
I like it
Guest chapter 20 . 10/7/2013
No love making? What a waste...
lance215 chapter 10 . 5/5/2013
i hate you...I HATE YOU TnT! why did you o that! i cant believe that you were sooooo cruel and evil! and i think that i could have a lemon TnT!
lance215 chapter 5 . 5/5/2013
that's the craziest idea about time-travelln that i've ever read...¡and i LOVE IT! it's amazing and i love thisdave, eve if you kill im *
darius prince of the sea chapter 16 . 2/9/2013
Okay so I know I've read this story three times before and I'm reading it again and I just realized about the part where their playing final fantasy xiii ( which I love and all the other ff games) I guess maybe I skimmed or something before but I was like wait final fantasy xiii I play that ( and the second one) and yes I live cloud too I mean who does but soon far tops on my list are cloud tidus tuna wakka rikku vaan lighting snow vanille fang serah and Noel love all of them (their my video game crushes ) but anyway just had to point that out in this awesome story
ScifiSOS chapter 20 . 11/29/2012
Being sick and having my brain feel like a weight in my head I can easily say that this confused me a bit sometimes.

Its unique though and a good story. Well written too. Something I'll definitely read again in a non-sicky future :).
DarkestAngel13 chapter 20 . 10/25/2012
Woah this whole tense was exhaustingly intense. Thanks for writing! I enjoyed seeing a variety of Kurtofsky scenarios all within one fic- all of them very well done. Great job!
cooperh05 chapter 20 . 10/9/2012
This story is amazing loved every bit of it.
OurEchoes chapter 20 . 8/13/2012
I really did love this story. You had me teary eyed when David killed himself just to be with Kurt. Such a sweet amazing thing there. And when he thought he had died and gone to the after life, wow. Just so amazing how his first thoughts are how he's sorry if whatever he did caused him to go to hell and to never be with Kurt again. I think it's sweet. I liked the ending too. Not going to lie, I found myself finding it hard to picture them that old, but merely for the personal reason of my age being the same as theirs. When I read any future!fics I always find myself having a hard time wrapping my mind around that concept. But I think you did it wonderfully. Thanks for writing such a good story.
longjourneyJess chapter 20 . 5/11/2012
Soooooooo, loved this story! Really great work! :)
RosaKnight chapter 20 . 4/27/2012
I love this story. I cried during this story. This story was absolutely beautiful! idk what else to say except thank you!
HexesAndOhhhs chapter 20 . 3/29/2012
Person Of A Strange Origin chapter 20 . 2/14/2012
It was very unique and very AWESOME! I loved it! The different scenarios and the different trails and the end how they got together was just perfect.
v son sayian chapter 20 . 1/22/2012
wow, this was amazing. Ch 18 was heartbreaking, but I'm really glad that it sort of came full circle with dave's beginning and ending merging. It makes me wonder what kurt saw in his jumps since the only other timeline they both were with it was car crash, though he got his start from gunshot/airplane timeline. We know he had a different experience with 27/cancer and then somehow wound up in drowning. I like how they all got merged into the final one and your characterizations with all the extra knowledge were amazing. I also loved how the whole concept was explained enough that it was reasonable, but there's still and lot of mystery to it and how it works.
Jade-Silverwolf chapter 20 . 12/27/2011
.Gaga! That was amazing! before I read this fan fiction, I was a dedicated Purt dam, but this dis...You converted me to shipping Kurt and David sooo hard! I cried, laughter, screamed into a pillow, and had every other emotion that one could go through while fangirlibg haha

The chemesty between these two are amazing! They go together like penut butter and jelly, like spongebob and sandy, not Patrick cause they just bros xD

Any way! Haha I can not wait to read more of your work. You are an amazing writer. I usually don't like fanfictions written in first person, but I have to say, you did it perfectly.

The idea for this fix is amazing as well. I don't think ive ever read anything as original as this. Simply wonderful!
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