Reviews for Nagi's Illness Rewritten
24 Lines chapter 8 . 3/22/2016
Its actually impossible to live with 1 lung... if there was a bad accident and you lost 1 lung, the other could keep you alive long enough for you to be treated, but it won't be enough for an extended period of time... so that's a little off but its just a minor detail I noticed. There are various spelling and grammar mistakes, but the story plotline is pretty decent, although I'm hesitant to comment on the way you portrayed the characters, and the pace of the story. But, it is still a good read
Cornliver chapter 13 . 9/2/2013
Ahh what a great ending nice job and good story.
Cornliver chapter 2 . 9/1/2013
Oh poor Nagi! Great story so far. (Hopefully it'll end better than the last fanfic I read where someone coughs up blood)
candycrazy12346 chapter 13 . 12/24/2012
Oh my gosh, this is such a great fic 3
Izzabread chapter 13 . 9/30/2012
ThatBakerNerd chapter 1 . 8/7/2012
i remember my frined reading some of this to me :) and i loved it so im re-reading it
Opinion chapter 13 . 7/29/2012
A little too fluffy you should have made it like he was dead and amu screams at rima. Rima should be crying and then they calm amu and check in him. He says bye and she says no.
BlindfoldHero chapter 13 . 12/18/2011
Beautiful! Just beautiful! TT-TT Did Nagi survive or not? And did Rima and Nagi get married? I wanna know! RimaHiko forever! And NAGI! WHY TERBUCULOSIS? THAT'S THE WORST DISEASE I'VE EVER HEARD OF! EVEN AFTER ALL THE STORIES I'VE READ! Well, besides the one saying he had cancer and Rima drowned herself cus of that! You should read that story! Short, but tragic. ANYWAYS! Loved ur story! Make zum more! :) Waiting for ur stories!
AmeHimeTori chapter 13 . 10/13/2011
What? It's over! :( AWWWWWWwwwwww~! they are so cute! love it! Don't stop! I loved it! Ohhhhhhh~! * Disappointed* :(((( :( :( :( You did a AWESOME job!
AmeHimeTori chapter 12 . 10/13/2011
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Nagi~! :( good chap!
Guest chapter 13 . 10/2/2011

just beautiful.

oh man now i crying. don't look at me. *sob sob sob *

good job on this story.
Pika-Thunder chapter 13 . 10/2/2011

Anyways, this was awesome! Amazing. One of the best SC fanfics I have ever read! I will keep reading your stories! Actually, I'll favorite you right now!

If you want, you can read some of my stories too! Since you clearly like Nagihiko, I have story called Nagihiko's Father I'm working on... You don't have to read, but if you have spare time... ;)


*Moves on to stalking your profile*
muzikchic4eva chapter 13 . 10/1/2011
awwww! this was such a sweet chapter! i loved it!

i was so happy that rima just said all that. It really does make sense; she never said that she hates nagihiko, but everyone thinks so. i loved rima for that.

thanks for the awesome story!
Tayla of the Stars chapter 13 . 10/1/2011

*crying in the corner*"so beautiful~" i can't wait for your next story!

Tayla of the Stars chapter 12 . 10/1/2011

"Azuma waz here" i spray painted on my bookshelf. hehe okay nice rima has to think lots now,.

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