Reviews for All My Loving
Crossy70 chapter 36 . 5/22
Loved this story. Great length, lots of angst, not too much Weasley bashing, happy ever after, perfect!
Noacat chapter 36 . 12/1/2018
I've spent the last three days binge reading this story. It is AMAZING. Thank you so much for writing this.
Samantha chapter 1 . 6/18/2018
Be careful about issues including content and legalities.
TheTrueCjmn chapter 36 . 5/1/2018
Hey SpicySugar,
First of all, congratulations on finishing All My Loving! I've since dug deep into the Fanfic World and I still end up missing your writing! I'm so happy you finally came to the end of the years-long process of this amazing fic. You truly deserve all the praise you've received and much, much more. You were my first fanfic after all ;)

I honestly hope you do wonderfully both in your writings and in your personal life. Know that you've made a lasting mark on the HP Fanfic world with magical fics. Can't wait to hear from you again (no pressure tho!)

Once again, congratulations on finishing this masterpiece of a fic.

Much love,
Quillbee chapter 36 . 3/13/2018
Yay! It’s finally complete. Great read, great job!
Dona12 chapter 36 . 2/18/2018
Hello !
I just read this last chapter ! I can’t believe it is finish ...
Thank you so much for everything and for you amazing work, you never stopped this fic, years after years.
For me I have to admit that it was a really big challenge to read this very long story because as I am French, I was not really comfortable with English but I have succeded and most important, I have understand (I believe :-))
Your history will remain one of my favorite and I will read it again ... Many Thanks for all !
Celia chapter 36 . 2/15/2018
Mark this as Harry/Hermione, not Harry&Ron!
PewterTA99 chapter 36 . 1/15/2018
Great story. Very well written. Thanks for writting.
TheSister95 chapter 36 . 1/4/2018
I had the fortune to find this once it was complete, so the A/Ns, for me, were funny. LOL
I found the ending a bit too abrupt. Honestly would have liked to know how the conversation went in McGonagall's office, and Harry/Hermiones viewpoints once all was clear.
I really liked how confident Neville was portrayed, but would have loved to see all the professors interacting some more (even-though I know this is H/Hr pairing, others would have been very welcome).
All that said, really enjoyed reading this.
Looking forward to reading more of your work.
Yao Ren chapter 36 . 1/3/2018
'Twas well worth the wait.
TheSister95 chapter 1 . 1/2/2018
Contrary to popular thinking, I've always found Harry/Hermione pairing much better than Ron/Hermione, and can totally see this happening!
On to the next chapter!
Crazytulip chapter 36 . 1/1/2018
This is so cliche harry and Hermione too boring both are too nice no passsion as in Ron / Hermione and I agree this should be marked as a hr/Hermione not a trio.
Once again Ron left out in the cold did anyone read the books?
AzureAlquimista chapter 1 . 1/1/2018
You say this is a trio-fic, but you seems to write only H/H fics... (or even worse, D/H)

I'm sorry, but I HATE Harry/Hermione fics, for me this... "kind of fics"... destroy totally the book's spirit. The great hero, the great heroine... And the sidekick? No thanks, HP is the total opposite of this...

So. the three of them END TOGETHER OR NOT? I suspect in the end, this is only another H/H. If is this, ok, put it in the right section: H/H pairing.
Bookloverdream chapter 36 . 12/31/2017
*sniff* aw man, it’s over! Nicely done. You’ve actually left it open for a future part 2 following our favorite redhead siblings and their quests for love. Thanks for crafting such an enjoyable story!
pianomouse chapter 36 . 12/31/2017
Thank you for sharing your wonderful story with us, I love the depth you gave the characters. I had a fantastic time reading this.
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