Reviews for Duet
cassady11 chapter 31 . 3/8/2019
please write more its the best story i ever read
Bherdy chapter 31 . 3/25/2014
Update this story babycakes! I miss it so much! I need my dramione fix and the twins singing 1D kills me every time! Its the best thing ever!
the pet chapter 31 . 11/1/2013
Write another chapter I have
been waiting please you are very good and I want to see more of what you can do
itsmecarolynhi chapter 1 . 10/19/2013
I like the characterization of the characters - I thought you had Draco and Dumbledore spot on. The narrative is good, not over-descriptive. It'd be better if you started a new paragraph each time a different character speaks, also when someone mentions another person's name, a comma should precede it, eg: 'Oy, Hermione!' And when a character ends a sentence, and you want to add 'she said' or 'he said', use a comma instead of a full stop. Other than that I applaud you for being able to churn out 31 chapters because god knows I get stumped after one D: I hope this helped!
petty chapter 31 . 10/9/2013
love this chapter! i dont really like 1D but you made me like this song! please write soon i really want to find out what happens next!
Ozioma Sydney Eze chapter 31 . 8/18/2013
lovely...mostly the last line, if I was hermione,i'd just blend in with the colour of chain she was seated a chamelion,lol
as usual update soon
love from me:-)
snuffledorf chapter 31 . 8/18/2013
I think your summary should be somewhere along these lines.

The war had just ended and people were going back to their usual things. Or at least trying to. There is a new music class in Hogwarts that Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy are being forced into since no one else joined it; they were to inspire more people to join since they are Head Girl and Head Boy. They try to be civil to each other, and it works. Only it worked more than they thought it would, a LOT more. As they start to get closer and closer, they develop feelings for each other. Only is the feeling love or hatred?
pheonlynx chapter 31 . 8/17/2013
Hilarious, sweet and all-round brilliant: as always!
Renee chapter 31 . 8/16/2013
I can honestly say that I think you are a pure GENUIS! Duet is now my favorite fanfic I couldn't sleep last night do I was scrolling through and the name caught my attention and I read it all at one in the morning because it's that good! it included my two favorite things: Harry Potter(specifically Dramione) and music(specifically One Direction). I really hope you update often:D
Mimi-McG chapter 31 . 8/15/2013
Hello :) I read the beginning of this story a while back when I was in work, and then before I could do anything, my phone died and I couldn't find it again! I was so pleased tonight when I was looking at Dramione fics and I found this snuggled away on the second page! Seriously, it's absolutely wonderful and I just wish you could update more often! The last chappie just wowed me! I've never been much of a fan of 1D, but I love the way they all sang at Hermione in the middle of the shop! And I love that Draco saved Fred with a shield charm! Okay, I'm rambling now! Update soon, okay? :)
Professor McGonagal chapter 31 . 8/15/2013
Great chapter!
RoguesMum chapter 31 . 8/15/2013
I LOVED this chapter. My boyfriend just sang this song to me (we have been arguing about weather im beautiful or not lol) so i really laughed when here is the story i been waiting ages for updated and THIS song is the chapter. Brilliant, and i could see the boys busting out singing this. with Hermione in the middle.
havinghopeagainsthope chapter 31 . 8/15/2013
i really enjoyed what i read till now...i hope you have something more better in store for the story in the coming chapters...:-)
waiting for the rest of the chapters very keenly. i hope you post them soon!
Hitachiin Gossip Girl chapter 31 . 8/15/2013
OH MY GODS! THAT FIRST LINE OF THE SONG! THAT FIRST LINE AND I KNEW WHAT IT WAS! Haha I don't usually like 1D but I do like this song now! Oh my I can totally imagine them singing that. Lol! And oh damn Draco's there?
GalaxyDragon chapter 31 . 8/15/2013
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