Reviews for Dauntless Core
Wangz chapter 1 . 12/4/2016
RalitsaR chapter 15 . 4/30/2015
"Next chapter soon" yeah right! :D such a shame it's a really great story. Good Job!
Rhea113123 chapter 15 . 5/29/2014
I love this story, it's so well written and I can't wait for more!
Kathya chapter 15 . 12/12/2013
So far, so sweet ;) Looking forward to more, hopefully you will write a little bit more of it ;) (You've mentioned some loving?)
Kathya chapter 11 . 12/12/2013
Whoa, so much drama.. I love the story concept, and the story itself.
Boyfriend Tees and Honey Bees chapter 15 . 2/4/2013
I am enjoying this story immensely! Please update soon!
Universal Fighter chapter 15 . 9/26/2012
I'm definitely enjoying this fic a lot. It's different which I always prefer. I like your writing style and you have little to no mistakes in grammar and punctuation. It's better then many that I've seen on the site the last few days and I was happy to read something and not get a headache trying to decipher the text.
I look forward to your next chapter. Good luck.

hirokiri9 chapter 15 . 9/14/2012
hehe...i love your sasusaku stories. And this one's really interesting. As long as it's not a tragedy, I'll be happy. Thanks so much. :D
X.summergrey.X chapter 8 . 9/1/2012
lol way to got sakura though its sad since its really all a missunderstanding.
X.summergrey.X chapter 6 . 8/29/2012
omg, i just want to hold naruto, maybe sasuke too at the moment.
X.summergrey.X chapter 5 . 8/29/2012
hmm...i never read hamlet in school. my class didnt. but i'm just going to go with things said in this chapter. but i loved how naruto throw the book down and cursed.
aznkiwi14 chapter 15 . 8/15/2012
I just stared reading this story today (clearly) and I absolutely LOVE it. There's just something about the way that you portray Sasuke and Sakura that gives their story so much hope. Especially Sakura, I like the strength you give her. Also, you're doing a fantastic job of keeping Sasuke in character in this situation. Not many authors can write this couple as well as you've been doing, I just couldn't stop reading. Really good job, I can't wait to read more hopefully soon!
EchoRoses chapter 15 . 8/9/2012
Ah finally made it to chapter fifteen! Ohhhh Sasuke will be alone with Sakura at her house eh? ;) ;) *nudge nudge* XD But great story you got going so far I love it! Keep up the good work.
Chihori-chan chapter 15 . 8/5/2012
I love this story! Sakura's determination to live life to the fullest is very inspiring! Update soon please! :)
Vhelan chapter 15 . 8/5/2012
I didn't know that I would read it again. I gave up on most Naruto fanficks already, abandoned or not. But this one... yup, I remember it fondly and I am pleased to read those two chapters, filled with emotions and action.
I really like how you picture Sasuke and his relations with Naruto. And Itachi. His train of thought - so natural and believable. Amazingly written. Congrats.
Will be checking this one for updates, please write more.
:D Sasuke and Sakura at home, alone
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