Reviews for Matrimony
Guest chapter 5 . 10/19/2018
Yo real talk, that last scene with the mother dog caught me off guard with the feels
Guest chapter 11 . 2/14/2018
Guest chapter 9 . 2/14/2018
But this is something less logic made me wonder, see when noctis almost kill franz the most smarter thing for light to di is that snatch the remote out of franz hand, so he couldnt press it. If she would that panic the only thing she ever wiuld think to do to snatch that remote, not ro kick her husband, bc that mother istinct usually automatically did when their children is in danger which is remove the source of the danger of her children which is absolutely not Noctis but thw remote *felt so weird and weirdly so weird that she kick her husband instead.. Maybe you need to change this part. Just saying
Lunaulric chapter 5 . 2/14/2018
You know this is the best story i've ever read. I like reading cloud x lightning or squall x lightning too, but nothing compare than this ohsomee
Devuan chapter 11 . 11/15/2017
shadowknight1998 chapter 11 . 6/22/2017
the entire fict was a troll! my god. oh well. can't say I blame you. you have broken all your readers.
fuko0 chapter 11 . 1/13/2017
animelady465 chapter 1 . 1/4/2017
WTF! How could you kill off Lightning like that?! This is so fucked up! I hate sad endings! And you didn't even put one damn lemon, I'm so disappointed. What a sad and horrible ending to a beautiful story. If I knew your story was going to end like that, I would have never read it. I'm throughly disappointed.
animelady465 chapter 11 . 1/4/2017
WTF! How the hell could you make Lightning die?! This is so awful! I hate sad endings. And not even one damn lemon! That's so messed up! When I first started reading this story it was so good, but you completely fucked it up by killing Lightning. What a horrible ending to a beautiful story. I'm so disappointed you didn't even put one lemon. I mean what the hell! If I knew this was going to have such a sad horrible ending I would have never read it.
old gods chapter 3 . 5/10/2016
Idk what the hell is up with people so into abusive relationships... nasty af
J nds chapter 11 . 12/26/2015
I never understood the hype about angel/demon until I've read your story.

Guest chapter 11 . 12/8/2015
Alors j'ai lut ton histoire en entier et je l'ai vraiment regretter car je déteste les histoire qui finisse en drame surtout quand le drame est sur le personnage le plus gentil alors moi quand je voie drame dans les fic généralement je ne la lit pas mais toi tu a oublier de le mentionnée donc si tu pouvais rem-aitre a jour ton histoire et maitre dans les caractère en premier en gras sa serait bien ange démon c'était bien mais avec une idée comme sa il faut le triple de ce que ta écris Lightning était beaucoup trop faible et gentille alors que Noctis était vraiment méprisent des fois sa personnalités change sans cesse et quand l'auteur ne respect pas la personnalités de c'est personnages l'histoire est moins convaincante donc devient l’a cente Prompto était beaucoup trop proche de Claire non mais sérieux il vient de se rencontre et il on déjà une relation de frère sœur plus faire des photo de Claire comme sa les publier comme une pute quoi au début j’approuvais l'idée en croyant qu'il allait les envoyées a Noctis au lieu des média quel honte sérieux Noctis si il était aussi méchant que tu l'avait écries il orée minimum tuer Prompto donc violat pour moi ton histoire a la moyen. Adieu !
LightXNoctis chapter 11 . 8/20/2015
OMG I literally cried reading your story! You're an amazing writer I swear! Please do a sequel! Don't stop writing! 3
iv777 chapter 1 . 7/20/2015
it was funny damn brutally hilarious
Guest chapter 1 . 6/20/2015
portraying lightning as a weak mary sue. you totally ooc her dumbass
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