Reviews for A Moment In A Storage Closet
Mother of Ducklings chapter 1 . 4/2/2014
I honestly can't understand why anyone would take issue with this. It's not as if it's overly dark or graphic or involving character death or anything like that.

And the show gave us the Kara and Lee who scream and swear and punch each other in the face and hurt each other season after season (due, of course, more to their own issues than any form of sadism or what have you...)

This is believable, to me. This is cathartic. Add me to the fan club.
CrysWimmer chapter 1 . 7/25/2013
My only complaint is that it is decidedly unfinished. As much as I liked to think about - and write about - a tender and sweet Lee and Kara, the show just didn't give us that. I'm not saying that I would have taken this direction with them, but I can certainly understand it. Your characterization intrigues me.
scifishipper chapter 1 . 4/27/2011
I love this story! You've captured the need for control and trust and release so wonderfully. It's taut and raw and very believable. I've read it a few times. Bravo.
Eirrythia chapter 1 . 3/26/2011
it suits them. In some twisted way it really suits Kara and Lee. not my normal cuppa'tea, but... that really kinda worked.
gatelover chapter 1 . 2/10/2011
This is really interest view into Lee and Kara's relationship especially knowing what their childhood was like. I can why this may not be a popular opinion view amongst shippers but I am not at all surprised this would take place. They are both so screwed up that this can seem right.

Well done!
embolalia chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
" the gravity of her slow collapse into something indefinable pulling him along" I liked your story, but I really loved that phrase.
AccountOffline chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
You actually have captured a primal part of both characters...

something fanfiction tends not to be comfortable with. We love reading "Alpha Lee". Frak off. He doesn't exist. THIS Lee does.

I believe your description - and oh my gods would he EVER need to have the control returned to him. Love it! As to Kara - that poor broken soul we see in canon - she would, in ever way, be this type of person. I don't think it makes her deviant so much as honest in her needs.

Perhaps - in this act - they'd finally be able to find a way to reconnect. Incidentally - I need to say that compared to another story you and I have discussed, that this one leaves me feeling "whole" rather than "used". Interesting...
DephsXylex chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
That was powerful. I agree, something was needed that never happened. It was a little disturbing, but with Lee and Kara, when isn't it? I'm happy I didn't heed your warning or I wouldn't have read this (I'm only 20). It's a shame the other author won't allow the sequel, as I'd really enjoy reading it. :)