Reviews for Over and Over
hanyoulover26 chapter 1 . 11/17/2012
I don't get it...kind of.
Dusty-Evals chapter 1 . 5/1/2011
Congratulations! Your fiction has won an award from the Feudal Association for the March 2011 term!

Founded in 2005 by author/artist, Dark Avenger, the Feudal Association consists of writers, artists, and enthusiasts of the InuYasha fandom. But aside from that, we are also proud to say that we are an awards guild that recognizes fan-fiction and artwork. Several times a year we nominate, vote, and hand out honors to some of the best creations in the fandom.

Our Yahoo Group, where the nominating and voting occurs, can be found here: groups. yahoo group/ FeudalAssociation/

Our website is located here:

feudal. animara

This terms' fiction winners list can be found here:

feudal-association. deviantart blog/ 40025885/

Authors, you may retrieve your awards here:

s286. photobucket albums/ ll109/FeudalAssociation /FanFic%20 March%202011/

Links to all of the awards, past or present, can be found here:

feudal. animara

Please pick up "site only" awards here:

feudal. animara pickup_site. php

Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group!

~The Feudal Association
jaimed1968 chapter 1 . 3/19/2011
This piece has been nominated at the Feudal Association!

Founded in 2005 by author/artist, Dark Avenger, the Feudal Association consists of writers, artists, and enthusiasts of the InuYasha fandom. But aside from that, we are also proud to say that we are an awards guild that recognizes fan-fiction and artwork. Several times a year we nominate, vote, and hand out honors to some of the best creations in the fandom.

Our official website can be found here:

feudal. animara

The current nominations pages are here:

feudal. animara nominated. php?type Fanfiction (Fiction)

feudal. animara nominated. php?type Fanart (Fanart)

Check them out to see what you were nominated for!

Our Yahoo Group, where the nominations and voting occurs, can be found here:

groups. / group/Feudal Association/

**Please note that FA membership is closed during voting.

Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group!

~ The Feudal Association

**Please Note: You may receive this notice more than once if you've been nominated for several awards. They will appear as reviews on your nominated works.
Inume-blue chapter 1 . 3/17/2011
aawww tender, I love it! It is one of my favs :) keep up the amazing work. You are the best!
ewatt.marion chapter 1 . 2/13/2011
This confused me.
inuandrave7 chapter 1 . 2/13/2011
Its sweet ) Everything making love should be.
Jasane-chan chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
Oh, you never cease to amaze me even after all these years of reading your work, I always come back for more lol
BashiYami chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
This is incredibly cute, it paints a perfect picture while still leaving you wanting more. I wish I was half this expressive in my story XP

Anyway, I like it as a stand-alone, but I'd definitely read it if you decide to continue this. Either way, I wouldn't complain, seeing as how little good fiction there seems to be nowadays.

Much love,

- DoP - ~
Sir. Vegabond chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
Sizzle! So kawaii! (:
little25victor chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
AmberLocke chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
I love your work and can't wait to read more.
Fenik Fan chapter 1 . 2/8/2011
This was beautiful, maybe you should save it for Birthrite's redo. You come up with some of the most lovely situations. Hope all is well with you.

Fenik Fan
Daphneshaggydoo chapter 1 . 2/8/2011
Wonderful! Can't wait for more of your work!