Reviews for Seal it With a Kiss
Crozzack chapter 1 . 2/8/2014
Wow this is so..GREAT! XD got me laughed like mad hahaha man, and the sweet 'let's seal it with a kiss' is perfect! And wow man you are talented since you said or rather typed that you wrote this on school night with homework's and being tired. I usually just plop down on my bed and sleep instead :D
All in all, this is a good fic! Love the usuk in it! Good Job! XD
Alix Cohen chapter 1 . 7/22/2011
Germany's using some bizarre logic here. I don't really follow, but it's funny.

"did France put you up to this?" Yeah, Al, I'd ask that too.

"Leave that to Hungary and Japan." XDD

(I'd capitalize the Hulk, since it's a name...)

you're RIGHT! England IS a Mac guy, now that I think about it!

(I bet it was the real Flying Mint Bunny.) (Heh heh eyebrows) does one listen to porn? um...don't answer that...
ButterflyFlutterCry chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
Very nice! I was kind of shocked, and a little jealous, when you said it was an un-edited-somewhat-of-a-rush-job. o3o

I really hope you continue this! I wanna know how the date goes x3

BTW: Loved the "True Picture of German Happiness."

Keep Writing!
MelodyOfStarshine chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
XD I. LOVE. this. story.

So cute, and I can, like, totally see that happen! (Uh... did I just sound like Poland? D:)

But I have a question... What exactly do you think of us Germans? I mean, Germanys actions at the end were a bit... confusing :D Its not that I know anyone who would do one of those things~ (But I suppose its canon, isnt it?)

Anyway, write mooore UsUk! :D
BwaBwaimagoat chapter 1 . 2/8/2011
Haha cute!