Reviews for Seed a Barren Sky
altaf9312 chapter 10 . 1/21
is RAVU was a Gundam right?
Abyss Trinity chapter 12 . 1/9
I was feeling nostalgic and read this. I once more state that this is the best Gundam Seed fanfic on this site. While I'm sad that this fanfic is abandoned I'm happy that you made it and that I can always come back and read it. Thank you very much :)
altaf9312 chapter 8 . 12/7/2019
1. Strike GundamKira Yamato
2. Raid GundamShinn Asuka
3. Estoc GundamStella Loussier
4. Reach GundamMu La Flaga and Cagalli Yula Attha

5. Aegis GundamAthrun Zala
6. Buster GundamDearka Elsman
7. Duel GundamYzak Jouke
8. Blitz GundamNicol Amarfi
9. Siege GundamShiho Hahenfuss
10. Maul GundamRusty McKenzie

Am I right the list MS and Pilots?
altaf9312 chapter 3 . 12/5/2019
I thought Stella 8 month older than Shinn
general ironox chapter 1 . 1/22/2019
You need to update this fic this is a gold mine
kurosaki7setsuna chapter 12 . 6/16/2017
You still alive right?
Cer015 chapter 12 . 9/15/2016
Hi! This story is awesome :D the characters are done justice and i agree so far with all their interactions! I see you havent updated this in quite a while but i really hope u can finish this story!
Pandora154085 chapter 12 . 1/14/2016
Please continue! I wanna know what happens to Shiho in the next chapter!
Pink ranger 13 chapter 12 . 7/30/2015
It's a great story
Blue Bragon chapter 12 . 4/13/2015
Still very good, still great, I really hope you would update this, but I don't think you will. Still thanks for all.
Guest chapter 12 . 1/2/2015
dont you dare kill Shiho!
Wing00Raiser chapter 12 . 11/6/2014
i really love your work, but after you finish a few chapters of Jinchuuriki 9, can you PLEASE update this, or tell us its status as a story?
Chocolate and caramel chapter 1 . 10/7/2014
Imma want to read chapter 11... *lying in a puddle of boredom*
rayningnight chapter 12 . 8/21/2014
It's really too bad that you haven't updated in years! You've managed to take in all the characters - even from Destiny - into a believable, plausible plot. Sure, here and there are typos and a few plot holes (whatever happened to Shinn's parents? And, uh, did it ever explain what Durandal was doing - like, what's his job right now, and why's he still able to control so many officers [like Rau] when there seems to be many who still don't know the guy...) but maybe it's just me.

And I simply ADORE the idea of having a friendly relationship with Kira and Stella. I don't think I've ever come across that before. Add to the fact that Mayu and Shinn seem to be in the same boat as Kira (Coordinator against Coordinator) and I'm simply amazed. I'm curious how Shinn will later justify himself when he actually acknowledges that he's fighting "against his own people" - probably when they all go to the Desert Tiger part, right? (! I just realized... oh gosh, it's going to be HILARIOUS when Cagalli enters the scene. I mean, Stella's already in Kira's "little sister" shoes, and then, Cagalli's going to be fighting for that... sorta... when she finds out later... and oh, it'll be hilarious. "I'm his sister!" "No I am!" LOL. Not that literal, but close.)

Well, this has been a fun ride. I hope you'll continue soon! If ever!


PS: Hey, uhm, I'm kinda... erm... well, are the "main characters" going to die off again? I'm really falling in love with your Rusty, and oh, I just HATED it when canon killed Nicol. He was... just... really, he would have been like BFFs with Kira if they actually met. And they will! Right?
northernlion196 chapter 12 . 7/28/2014
The curse of fanfiction

Generic Cringe Worthy Fanfiction? (probably involving recycling word for word 80-90% of the source material)

Gets finished within half a year

Unique and Well Thought Out Altered Fanfciton?

Will have huge build up, and then get abandoned.

Cant you at least give an authors note chapter to reassure you're still here? Unless you died in real life, in which case that sucks hard core.
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