Reviews for Through Broken Eyes
Indo chapter 58 . 4/9/2018
Oh. My. Gosh... This fanfic is absolutely amazing. Those last few scenes perfectly captured the moments on screen and it's just so heartbreaking. I really like your portrayal of Tron's inner battle. It was really beautiful :,)
AzureKate chapter 1 . 7/23/2014
i like this fanfic so far (i read a few more chapters) but gosh is it long! you rock haha. i will read the whole thing...i swear! love reading about rinzler 3
creativesm75 chapter 58 . 4/10/2014
Nice and good
Jedi Master Misty Sman-Esay chapter 58 . 9/3/2013
Wonderful collection. I like the implication that it was Tron/Rinzler that sent the message to Alan.
Dasz chapter 20 . 5/8/2013
Wow! I just discovered this story, and it is the first in the Tron fanfic universe I've read... I think you've set the bar too high for any other fanfics I read in the future! :) You've done a great job developing one of the most interesting characters in this universe, especially since Disney did such a poor job fleshing Rinzler/Tron out in any detail. Thank you so much!
XLR8ION chapter 2 . 3/4/2013
Dammit. Didn't let me finish that review.

Anyway, this story is amazing. It gave Rinzler a voice, emotion, and independent thoughts, starting at the beginning of his corruption to the very end. His fate always saddened me before, but you gave him flesh, made him an actually significant character, far more than the movie ever did.

Thank you for this beautiful story.
XLR8ION chapter 1 . 3/4/2013
Very, very few stories can strike me as deeply as this one did. This was... beautiful. Twice, I was surprised to find tears welling in my eyes. First was when Rinzler had found the loophole, "PROTECT THE SYSTEM", and came close, so close to discovering his true directive, only to have that ripped away as CLU rewrote him again.

The second time was when Quorra kicked him off the balcony and he lost his discs, finally freed of CLU's control.
WritingBookworm chapter 7 . 2/23/2013
Woah, this is seriously good. I love the writing style- it really reflects Rinzler's personality. I can't wait to finish reading this!
blue.totoro chapter 20 . 12/6/2012
This story has been, in every sense of the word, epic. And I mean that. The intense emotion, the driving force that pushes the story forward... I can't wait to finish the rest of it!

Good work!
Cyberbutterfly chapter 58 . 8/11/2012
BRAVO, BRAVO, BRAVO! (Jumps up to give a standing ovation)

You, my dear, are incredible! First, with the 3 chapter update... But also- that ending! Seriously, I cheered (then got pouty, because that meant the story was over) leading up has been like watching dominoes being put into place, each one in painstaking order... And the last few chapters have been the final set up and the hand coming down to flick them... But these chapters! Just like in the movie, it was like watching the whole pattern fall into place (actually- kinda like that domino scene from V for Vendetta)

And the whole story has been an incredible adventure to read. Your talent at writing Rinzler is second to none, and I've seriously started considering this rendition as Canon... You've weaved an awesome story here and it was great to read Rinzler's transition from obedient slave to the moment when he retakes his identity.

Sad to see this one is done, but looking forward to you starting back up on your other stories :D
KaitlinDragon chapter 58 . 8/11/2012
Aaah, all the feels! They overwhelm!

This whole epic has been an exhilarating ride from start to finish, surely one of the best stories this fandom has ever seen. You portrayed an unbreakable spirit that would always rise again- even when it had been warped seemingly beyond repair.

I rarely get emotionally invested in fanfiction, but Rinzler's fight to recover his true self and his amazing, tragic development as a character drew me in and didn't let me go. The lightjet scene, written by many a fan-author, has never seen such skillful and accurate treatment, and the final scenes in TBE had my heart racing.

I must ask... are you soley a fanfiction author or do you write original stuff too? Because if you have a book published, I am buying it.
Welcome to the New chapter 58 . 8/10/2012
That. Ending. Was amazing! Words can't even describe the emotional turmoil that Rinzler/Tron went through. I love how you added Yori at the very last part, definitely made the ending all the more bittersweet. So I have wonder whether or not he has lived or is just dreaming, if programs can dream XP This was beautifully written, and I'm glad that I clicked on the link to read it :P
Hinata001 chapter 58 . 8/9/2012
Yeah! He's alive! Poor Tron. Question, are you suggesting he is already Rinzler in Uprising and that the Renegade is actually a part of CLu's plan? I was just wondering since you mentioned that the full 1,000 cycles had passed since Rinzler was first born. Well, anyways, this was a great story and I'll miss your updates. Maybe a sequel? Don't know if it would measure up to this though. You showed so many sides to Rinzler and made me look forward even more to next week when Scars airs. Are you watching the marathon right now? I am.
SoulVenture91 chapter 58 . 8/9/2012
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! What a fantastic riiiiiiide I love it! 8D
SoulVenture91 chapter 55 . 8/7/2012
*much flailing and falling over from the epic*
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