Reviews for A Time Lady Returns
Game-Watch chapter 11 . 5/13
I loved this story. We're very much overdue for Susan returning.

But I must say, much as I agree that Rose was reckless with the dimension cannon and her treatment of Jackie and Mickey, the story's focus on that felt a little drawn out and excessive in some places. But aside from that, I throughly enjoyed the ride.
Cocky McDickshit chapter 1 . 9/27/2019
Yes, Mouse. You ARE shit. I'll do what I want. You got a problem with that? Kill yourself.
multyfangirl21 chapter 1 . 2/23/2019
Oh! You're having her do the rewrite to hide as a human.
Mouse chapter 11 . 9/25/2018
While I disagree with your level of Rose bashing, I don't disagree with vilifying the character at all. There are always plot holes, and everyone is human in a sense so there is always a dark/selfish side to them. Even the Doctor (and we all know that).

I take more issue with the troll (because honestly even if he was defending the story, that was a terrible thing to say) who actually implied that a disagreeing opinion deserves to be sexually assaulted and murdered. How callous and disgusting can you be, to post that kind of thing?
Even jokingly. Mister "Cocky McDickShit" I highly doubt you would appreciate that kind of treatment towards your own person. You should be ashamed of yourself.
roadworkahead chapter 9 . 12/20/2014
Yes. Wake up and smell the roses, Rose Tyler. You bitch. I hate Rose.
Guest chapter 11 . 11/4/2014
This is terrible. Go fucking kill yourself for making this.
No.311 chapter 11 . 10/20/2014
Don't mind Dot, it's awesome. The Rose-bashing is nice too, I don't quite understand what makes here so special in the series to mark the journeys of two companions after her. There are also more than enough fanfictions out there who do the opposite, making this even more refreshing.
If you ever make a sequel, I'm tuned.
call911now chapter 9 . 12/13/2013
i never liked rose
JSmith25 chapter 11 . 4/13/2013
Wow, this story absolutely blew me away. THIS is how The Stolen Earth/Journey's End should have played out. Much better than the actual episodes. I love the Rose bashing, it was spot on, and put to light basically everything I hate about the character. Excellent job!
DalekTheSupreme chapter 11 . 2/12/2013
Fantastic piece of work. I see this fic as Journey's End, done RIGHT. The ending isn't a cop out, you finally expose how bad a character Rose Tyler really is, in fact, anything that could've gone right with this fic, has. As Jackson Lake once said, "Bravo, sir!"
GuitarBOSS chapter 11 . 1/31/2013
This was the most epic Rose Tyler hate-fest I've ever seen in my life! I'm dying!
cocky mcdickshit chapter 10 . 3/17/2012
"stupid"? sorry I meant "pathetic
Cocky McDickshit chapter 11 . 3/5/2012
That may be true DottheAmazingBITCH, But this is fanfiction. madeye harry's "A Time lady Returns" story was well written, even if Rose called Jackie "stupid". You might think this so-called "crap" will be disliked by future viewers. However, judgeing by the good reviews it has gotten, you are incorrect. And if you keep being like this to any other fanfiction, then you are a foolish whore that deserves to be gang-rapped and drop dead.
DotTheAmazing chapter 9 . 11/21/2011
I find it impossible to fathom your reasoning in making Rose evil. She and the Doctor truly loved each other. I am not only saying this because I support them as pairing, but because that is almost explicitly stated in this episode before you changed it. I'm fine with Susan being slightly harsher than in the original series, as war changes people. However, the tenth Doctor was characterized in the episodes as explicitly wanting to hang onto life as long as he could. Therefore, he would not regenerate unless he absolutely had to. He especially would not have been thinking about a metacrisis, as it's IMPOSSIBLE. He wouldn't fear something he thinks couldn't happen. Rose loves her mother and family very much, and would never be that callous to her mother. You need to actually know what you're talking about before publishing a story, or nobody will like it. And I can guarantee that the only people who would like this utter crap are people who are just as stupid as you in their false characterization of Doctor Who characters.
timano chapter 11 . 11/3/2011
A well-written adventure of epic scope, engaging and enthralling-10 out of 10 stars! Will there be more adventures of Susan/Gwen? (A thought-that dual identity makes her Susan Cooper, like the author, doesn't it? Never mind. ;-) )
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