Reviews for If You Could Look at Me Once More
AnimeFreak4261 chapter 1 . 12/8/2011
Please make that sequel for this one? Please? I need to see Matt happy! It's the only way I can live with what actually happened :C

Love all of your fics, by the way well, all of the ones that I've read.

Ceri Moriarty chapter 1 . 5/24/2011
Aw! Poor Matt.

Awesomely written fic! You're awesome!
Secretsofthedarkness chapter 1 . 3/19/2011
:) I like. I never like AU stories but this was good :)
Dystopian Hope chapter 1 . 2/28/2011
I didn't know that you write Death Note. And now I'm really happy that I do, because Matt/Mello is among my favorite pairings.

This is sad, but I like it. Seems realistic. But I will definitely read the sequel! Matt must triumph!
violet-chi chapter 1 . 2/15/2011
-sob- I can totally see Matt that way, but IT'S SO SAD! Aaaaaaauugh stupid Mello! I swear I almost freaking cried reading this thing. You win.
luckless-is-me chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
So, I should probably make it clear to you that I don't read Death Note fanfiction, and while I know who Matt is (due to the lovely pictures of him floating about the web) I never managed to catch an episode with him in it (funnily enough, I missed just enough epsiodes to miss EVERY SINGLE ONE he showed up in).

But I guess that's irrelevant at this point.

This story was amazing, as all your stories tend to be. The emotion you put into it, into the character was simply amazing and I like how the memories played a part in it as well (because I'm a sucker for background information).

And, strangely enough, I LIKE the fact that this didn't have a happy ending and, while I will be reading the next part, I think that this was the perfect ending. Not everything is a fairytale and the show/manga itself wasn't something for the light hearted. So, to me, this ending makes the most sense.

Also, the colors. I like when people incorporate color into their stories, and you did so wonderfully.

Anyway, that's all I wanted to say, and I hope you have a happy Valentine's Day! (Or Single Awareness Day, whichever it happens to be). _
underhandlilies chapter 1 . 2/14/2011

I usually refrain from reading Death Note fics ('cause as of now, I'm only on Vol. 5) but I couldn't stop from reading this one 'cause you wrote it-and I don't usually like angst, but I couldn't stop from reading this one 'cause you wrote it-


So awesome. I cried. T_T

Can't wait to read the sequel-I love happy endings!

JigokuYume chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
I think it was well written really. The way that you can give so much emotion and convey the conflicting feelings leaves it a bittersweet ficlet to read.

Wonderful job, as always 3
