Reviews for The Morning After
Ciara in cotton socks chapter 1 . 12/6/2011
This is genius!

I love the non-traditional writing style you've employed- it reads very well and is also very realistic. I'm also very impressed with your characterisation of everyone; they're spot on. I especially enjoyed your portrayals of Puck and Sam, who were both absolutely perfect.

Well done!

Ciara x
carolinaleecriss chapter 1 . 9/6/2011
this was awesome! keep writing Klaine(:
Orenji-Juice chapter 1 . 8/30/2011
I absolutely love the style this is written in! I enjoyed reading this.
bjaarcy chapter 1 . 6/4/2011



LAKJDFLAKSDJFALSDKJFAL;SDFJAKLSD;FJAIEO Seriously, I love this more than the actual episode. WELL DONE!

Yune chapter 1 . 3/9/2011
This is heaven. And its not the fever I run, talking to you, thank you very much.

This is an absolutly awesome story. I m a sucker for Lots Of DIALOG and interesting, different writing-styles. So, yeah, heaven.
The Fabulous A.J chapter 1 . 2/21/2011
Ha yeah, I was pretty mad too, but it's okay because Blaine falls flat on his bootay off the karaoke stage in this episode as well. We can just say it's karma.

I really liked this fic. Poor Kurt. And kinda poor Rachel, because it's not really her fault... she probably assumed Blaine was comfortable enough in his sexuality to not get confused about kissing a girl, like Kurt was. Also, since Kurt and Blaine aren't dating, there's really nothing saying he COULDN'T kiss Rachel, so Rachel is going to be getting such a barrage of unwarrented hate!
lkfra chapter 1 . 2/20/2011
Great story, it is liberating to read it (I was also mad when I watched the trailer)
obsessed thoughts chapter 1 . 2/17/2011
wow, i loved it. perfect.
rose taylor chapter 1 . 2/17/2011
Believe me, I get your reaction. I totally freaked out when I saw Blaine and Rachel kiss. I agree with you, Kurt will probably just ignore it and end up not talking to Blaine for a month, but this is still wicked awesome. :D
Always With Amy chapter 1 . 2/16/2011
Sam staying with Kurt was great, but the Rachel ones...

Broke my heart. Absolutely shattered it. Totally. Completely.

This is perfect.
thesoundofsunshine chapter 1 . 2/16/2011
I may have overreacted to the promo, too. Oops. I'm not entirely sure that it'll play out this way.. but it did relieve some of the tension I was harboring. I really liked the voicemail idea, rather than text / Facebook. This was really good. And, I'm trying not to overthink the entire thing until I just get to see it.. because I got all worked up about the GAP thing, which just painted the way for Klaine to blossom with the entire "Don't they get together in the end?" thing. So, here's to hoping that Ryan Murphy isn't trolling horribly bad, expecting us to freak out this bad. I approve of the therapeutic binge.

Kurtsie chapter 1 . 2/16/2011
Wow, I really liked this; out of all the fics I've read for the BOTA promo that left us all reeling, this one was my favorite. I could see Kurt reacting that way, especially after what happened with Finn. Poor Kurtie! Having to watch Rachel make out with his straight crush is one thing, but his GAY one too? C'mon, Ryan Murphy, give the poor kid a break! (
Number1KurtHummelFan chapter 1 . 2/16/2011
For some reason, even with all the death threats, the last voicemail was the scariest... O_O
Ladyfiona89 chapter 1 . 2/16/2011
This is great.

Can you have another chapter where Blaine and Kurt actually end up talking.
SnowGirl098 chapter 1 . 2/16/2011
I want to be pissed at Blaine after that promo, I really do. But he's too...something. I don't know what it is but I love him too much to ever be pissed at him, and plus, he was drunk so...and it was spin the bottle...and those don't mean anything. Plus I love Rachel, and she was drunk, so I can't really find the anger to be angry. Although part of that may be because I know gay/lesbian people who make out with the opposite sex on occasion; it's not uncommon at parties.

This did relieve some tension though, so thanks.
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