Reviews for Zuko: Crown Prince Chronicles
MyKala chapter 1 . 5/30
I like this.
deadpoolhulk chapter 38 . 5/29
Man oh man this is one of the greatest fanfics I've ever read and BY FAR the best Avatar story. I love every single chapter and am personally counting it all as cannon
YamiYugiYuki chapter 19 . 4/26
I nearly spit out my coffee while reading this. I absolutely love this chapter. Mostly because Aang plays the granfather card. Its not one you see very often. Regardless I absolutely love this story collection
Guest chapter 1 . 4/7
This is fantastic!
ae2000x chapter 4 . 11/26/2019
these are all fascinating!
pottersparky chapter 31 . 3/6/2018
Wow! This is great story how Ozai lost everything because turn his back on his own son which shape him in man he become. Ozai see real truth in this that his bad choices are what was his down fall. He let his brother take son away from him and somewhere down road he became Iroh's new son. Now he must live with these choices that what made him fall. Now his son has no more need for him and be forgotten forever because he was bad father. So is truth in soul.
MickyTheSupernaturalMouse chapter 38 . 2/20/2018
I want the beach party... :(:(:(
DarkKing009 chapter 28 . 11/9/2017
in Jet defense was right Zuko was a bandit with some scruple. and Iroh did try to evade his county and knew personally the men who burned down Jet's village in Iroh's or father's name.

it's not like Zuko & Iroh were innocent
DarkKing009 chapter 14 . 11/8/2017
i think Kuei and Zuko would hate each other
Dawen chapter 34 . 11/5/2017
I like to imagine that at some point during Zuko's reign, someone gets brave enough to come up to Zuko privately and ask about those rainbow flames. And Zuko smiles at them, holds out a hand with a ball of rainbow fire, and says "of course it's really there."

He offers no explanation. The rumors about him increase tenfold, and he and Aang sit back and laugh at them all.
bismarckenterprise chapter 14 . 10/1/2017
Oh my god yessss headcanon accepted
LOTRcool chapter 38 . 7/9/2016
A very good story, I really hope that you will update soon and that you haven't gave up on this story yet even though it has been about three years :D
Guest chapter 4 . 6/26/2016
you forgot that zuko is also a master of the dao blades...
quadjot chapter 4 . 2/11/2016
I'm a Zutara gal myself, never considered Toko, even though Toph and Zuko are my two favorite characters. I absolutely loved this chapter! I always regretted that they never got a field trip, I imagine it would have been full of badass fights and adventure, sass, annoyance, and some tender moments, rather like this chapter. Thank you!
Mags Duranb chapter 16 . 8/13/2015
I enjoyed this battle and how you managed to make both characters "talk" through, sometimes, words are not necessary. I loved this dialogue and tried to imagine their movements, both facing each other, waiting, striking and smiling if one got one point from the other.


BTW, i read an avatar comic (official stuff) in which is mentioned that Zuko studied under Piandao too.
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