Reviews for Lilith's Curse
XxAllisonKirkland96xX chapter 7 . 5/1/2011
HURRY UP AND FINISH THE NEXT CHAPTER, YA BLOODY GIT! Or I shall hold out on the rp we are doing right now just for you to finish and post the chapter, got it?

I'm deprived! Bloody hell, help me!
XxAllisonKirklandxX chapter 7 . 4/10/2011
dude! you totally need to let me help with the next omake!

-cough- anyways -cough-... I really love the story so far! just givin ya more record of me saying that than just me tellin ya over text XD now to stay up all night and party all day! (not really)
M'aria' Kirkland chapter 7 . 4/9/2011
Ahahahahaha ! ! Nice ! *chukles* XDD

Gott, i have no idea what's going on ! Is the hooded figure france ? ? Or someone else ? ? I'm sure as hell it's not ivan 'cause he's one of al's friends or something . . . . . _a

So~, did artie asked to be brought back or did he run away from hell or something ? ?

Damn it i'm curious ! !

foreversnowynights chapter 7 . 4/8/2011
Ugh. The government shutting down. All I can say is, wow. I mean really. Wow. The government is so stupid it's shutting down for revisions. I want to say I'm shocked (I kind of am) but I'm really not. I'd love to see Alfie's oppinon on it.
Kitty's Muse chapter 7 . 4/8/2011
Writing it on the phone is not a bad idea (since I'm on my phone all the time and so know the practicality behind that) but it must take awhile. O.O And I read in this chapter about the possibility of lemons. Personally I wouldn't really like that but if you choose to do so I have gotten to the stage of great perception and shall only skip over that part. ;] (I learned how to do so after reading Snow Falling on Cedars and Atlas Shrugged. XD) Amusing interview was pretty amusing. Good luck with your writing! :]
Nimhe Zehir chapter 7 . 4/8/2011
Unless I am much mistaken, there were demons living in Albion. Add that to Lilith (which is definitely a demon name) and what do we have? Well... I'm not actually entirely sure. But Arthur's Dalek gun rocks! :D
mellisa chapter 6 . 4/1/2011
d'awwwww I love this fic! protective Alfred is awesome... but poor Arthur! Its so sad!...uhhh can I still guess why/how Arthur is back? I think that he didn't die but someone / thing kidnapped him 4 some reason and than he tried to escape and gor shot... thats only my guess though! D
Phamenia chapter 6 . 3/31/2011
Rue-the-Marauder chapter 5 . 3/2/2011
Heh. I feel special. And "momma lion" mode? Awesome. And I'm thinking, the language might be a really old one. Like, Assyrian, or Babylonian, or Cherokee. I don't know, those were made up off the top of my head. Maybe it's Old English? That stuffs confusing...
Phamenia chapter 5 . 3/2/2011
-gasp- haha I don't really care about the translations, so I didn't say anything. Didn't even bother to go to translator xD

anyways, poor Arthur ! D: Alfred too. Poor UsUk.
Phamenia chapter 4 . 2/28/2011
-dies- seriously? That many words but it's like, short. Well for me. I read it all like in five minutes. Less than. Wow. Man. I'm to awesome xD -caugh the contagious fever of awesome-
Rue-the-Marauder chapter 4 . 2/28/2011
Hmmm... though most of it doesn't go well with google translator, it recognizes French and something about views, horns and "Stop guessing". Confusion - All time high.
xXAliceKirklandXx chapter 3 . 2/28/2011
umm im gonna guess that the faries have something to do with this, cause it would seem like that, but the mysterious figure bothers me so maybe that has something to do with it, or he was gifted with something but its like a curse as well so he has to like be brought back to life but with no memories something along those lines
IggyLuv333 chapter 3 . 2/27/2011
o3o I just started reading this story, and now I can't wait for more! It seems like it will be very intriguing and sweet.

As for why Arthur is alive again, I have a theory.

Going by that the story of Lilith's curse, Arthur is one of Lilith's children.

Meaning that he is succubi condemed to live forever, in a rather unpleasant manner. He will have to wander the world throughout eternity, and the aspect of this curse is somewhat related to vampirism, but not the traditional view of it.

As he did age from when he was shot however, maybe it isn't a full thing. Maybe he's partially cursed, or some other sort of plot twist.

Here are my references: library/


I believe that Arthur is victim to that. o3o Which, when you consider the traditional mythological view of succubus, may lead to another reason Alfred is simply so enthralled with the boy. However I doubt Arthur is aware of any of this, or if he was, isn't anymore due to the amnesia.

That is just my theory. I do apologize if it was wildly off mark.

o3o Keep writing for your writing is awesome! :3
Phamenia chapter 3 . 2/27/2011
I don't know who it was! I'm so pooped. I've watched hetaoni and man. I am happy you updated though.
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