Reviews for Demon Lacrima
Isobu chapter 9 . 2/25
So...Naruto knows he's out matched right? Like the guild master is a demon container jist like him and the other members have awesome Magic, plus in a guild where your weaknesses are clearly displayed i'm pretty sure they know how to counter it by now.
Isobu chapter 2 . 2/24
If you need a function for it, why not have it be a manifestation of Kurama's Demonic aura simple and easy.
Monster King chapter 16 . 7/22/2019
I enjoyed the story please continue
PurpleShodow chapter 16 . 8/1/2018
ok if you ever update this do not turn Naruto completely good after the arc of tangera he doesn't get beaten by anyone but doesn't see the point on fighting fairy tail anymore. leaves and takes zancrow with him (please do not kill zancrow) explores the world learning different kind of magic and trying find a way to control his powers. now then throw some encounters with fairy tail mages Naruto beats then but he doesn't kill then( if you want kill some of then I don't mind killing some of then side note: also please kill sasuke I hate him). zancrow could start training better and get different mode like dragon slayers also make learn a new magic .Naruto main goal could be finding all nine and reuniting then, making his own guild neither light or dark but will still be consider dark in the eyes of the council all nine would be in this guild plus zancrow. pairings I don't like pairing Naruto with anyone if you want pair him with anyone but don't make like the main thing like they occasionally flirt with each other but not often like platonicly. I hate when they ship Naruto and erza, naruto and mira, Naruto and hinata, and Naruto and sasuke(I love yaoi but I hate this pairing is overrated) ultaer and Naruto(I don't mind this pairing but I still want her to become a old gramma for punishment she committed against all those people in the tower). other ships I can live with. make bad guys pay for what they unlike the canon fairy tail were a person made people slaves and goes unpunished(please don't kill simon you could make him join Naruto guild after he realize erza has eyes only for jella even though he a freaking criminal and their relation is toxic) . make death meanful fairy tail things is that not good character dies just like dragon ball which quite frankly annoyed some people like me if you kill a character do not revive him/her without a proper explanation who and why(I love dragon ball and fairy tial but it's annoying that they kill a character but they bring him back somehow) . I love this story it unique Naruto isn't truly evil but he isn't good either. You also have a great character development and plot
Guest chapter 1 . 7/19/2018
Please continue this great story.
Guest chapter 16 . 6/3/2018
ahhh! i thought mira will fall for naruto...y dont u make them somehow lovers...and plezz continue the story i enjoy it...
SozoNoKami chapter 16 . 1/20/2018
Interesting fanfic i haven't seen a fanfiction with so many realistic original magics.
Guest chapter 16 . 6/13/2017
Please update again! I love this story!
JayDuck chapter 16 . 2/26/2017
...You Said this story wasn't on Histus, or Discontinued.
Guest chapter 12 . 1/1/2017
But this is a phone screen
desdelor97 chapter 16 . 1/31/2016
This was a great chapter,
Please keep up the great work.
Ultimate Blood Moon chapter 16 . 1/17/2016
hey good story plz continue it or make a sequel
RiftChaos chapter 16 . 10/1/2015
Damn, I was enjoying this story too. Anyway, this better bot be one of those Naruto turns good and joins fairy tail fics blah blah blah. If writers are going to make it Dark Naruto keep it Dark Naruto. Sheesh,
My Swagg Level Its over 9000 chapter 15 . 7/29/2015
Naruto is overpowered, by definition, and I am worried you don't know that. He has not been challenged in a fight so far. It doesn't matter how much training he has had since he was eleven, Erza is incredibly strong. I understand you probably won't see this, but that is a problem in writing.
strabimonx chapter 6 . 7/29/2015
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