Reviews for What if the WWE Never Existed?
Shaundi-Goth-Kitty chapter 1 . 5/23/2013
This was a really interesting idea. When I first read the summary I wasn't sure but decided to give it a chance. Glad I did.
MysteryWithin3 chapter 1 . 12/26/2012
MissWebster chapter 1 . 3/11/2012
I am NEVER logged in when I read your stories, Al.

Epic Line: "That's OK. I just spend my time watching porn with Eddie Guerreroooooooooo!"

This story is epic, something everybody has wondered about at one point or another...

BubblyShell22 chapter 1 . 2/25/2012
I could've sworn I reviewed this, but I guess not. This was awesome, Al. I totally loved it and could see this happening. I loved the last bit where Vince said that Cena's rapping couldn't even annoy him. Nicely done.

The Bubbly One,

Golden-Black Dragon chapter 1 . 1/4/2012
It's A Wonderful Life with Vince wondering what life would be like if he didn't exist? Awesome. If Vince didn't exist, then who knows, the wrestling world might have been better or much worse.

Of course, if Vince McMahon had never been born or taken over WWE, John Cena would be jobbing for food.

What wouldn've happened to Bret Hart without Montreal? He'd probably still be wrestling...
Krazy 13 chapter 1 . 12/29/2011
Stratusfied247 chapter 1 . 10/26/2011
Absolutely hilarious. I've been out of the wrestling fandom for a while, haven't watched more than a couple of episodes in the last year, but I had such an urge to read wrestling fic. I love the bit at the end, where even Cena's bad rapping couldn't bring down Vince's mood. Good stuff!
BecauseShewasBORED chapter 1 . 6/17/2011
Aw, poor Cena.

Pfffft,jk. Good, story. Bloody hilarious and one of the few stories that does'nt make the back of my eye burn.
DeathDaisy chapter 1 . 5/6/2011
haha! that waz good]
jcott3 chapter 1 . 2/28/2011
Very amusing, giving Vince the "It's A Wonderful Life" treatment. I could see some of this stuff happening if Vince hadn't come into the picture (In real life, Vince Sr. did NOT want Vince involved in WWWF. It was only when Vince began training to become a wrestler that his father relented and gave him a small territory in Maine to see what he could do.)

Even though I seriously question whether Vince changed pro wrestling for the better, he definitely changed the landscape of wrestling and if he hadn't existed, it might have been necessary to invent him.
DiMeraslover chapter 1 . 2/28/2011
You are one crazy sob. lol. This was funny as all heck. I really enjoyed the part about Linda wanting to buy Cuba as a vaction home. That was classic. Considing her spent 50 million to try and get a sentors seat. I'm shocked she didn't just offer Cuba the 50 million for the country. 50 million...F*&K if I had the 50 million to blow like that. It would be on far more interesting things. Over all a very funny read. and nice to see Owen show up.
SaneFangirl chapter 1 . 2/27/2011
This brought a smile to my face. Especially Cena's "rapping".
jeri chapter 1 . 2/26/2011
As a huge fan of Piper I loved that he was the thing that set Vince off the most. I laughed so hard. Roddy didn't need the gold to be one of the best ever, but god I loved that XD Poor Owen, he still dies. It makes me wonder what happened to Bret without Montreal on the history books.

This was interesting, I've thought about this question many times...not really 'what if Vince wasn't born' but what if the WWE didn't exist. What if Vince didn't kill off the territories. Anyway, interesting.

Pam Anderson...XD Oh gawd, Vince and his outlook on women wrestlers. -_-