Reviews for The Aftermath in the Breakup
Platinum Blondie chapter 40 . 6/16
A fantastic story, I loved every moment of it. I listened to it via tty and had felt that I was right there with the characters.
Guest chapter 40 . 11/17/2019
This was fantastic. Bravo
FanAddicted2000 chapter 40 . 10/29/2018
Wouah! What a bloody impressive story !
gatewatcher chapter 40 . 2/28/2015
I just found your story two nights ago and have truly enjoyed reading it! What a ride for our two heroes. You write very well and with great detail. My heart was broken on several occasions. Thank you for your creativity. :)

( BTW... I also liked your reference to MacGyver ;) )
Adelled chapter 40 . 2/25/2015
Wonderful writing, riveting plot and Doggett! Doesn't get better than that. Thanks.
wends1892 chapter 40 . 6/15/2014
this is one of my FAVOURITE stories EVER!
Loved it how you made sure there was a angsty bit right until the end... :)
Bones2014 chapter 40 . 5/27/2014
Well that was quite a ride! It felt like I was free falling from a cliff for 39 chapters. It was a damn fine ride! You are an amazing writer! I truly loved this story, even though it was a little harsh on my fav Booth at times:-) I was sad to read that you no longer write Bones FF:-(, cuz that's all I read? Perhaps you'll change your mind after the amazing S9 cliffhanger we just viewed? Lots of possibilities! Thanks again for sharing this amazing story:-)
Bones2014 chapter 39 . 5/27/2014
FINALLY! 39 chapters later, & I'm a happy camper:-)
Bones2014 chapter 38 . 5/27/2014
Wow, again? You are so killing me with this story. I'm hoping for B&B happiness at the end?
Bones2014 chapter 37 . 5/27/2014
I am a B&B fanatic, all the way. I love them together. I love Booth, but who wouldn't? Right? I feel so bad for him here. I just want to pull this confession out of him already... Ugh!
Bones2014 chapter 36 . 5/27/2014
Ok, this emotional tension is killing me worse than the action! Ugh!
Bones2014 chapter 35 . 5/27/2014
OMG, yes, yes, yes! Oh happy day:-) I'm so excited!
Bones2014 chapter 34 . 5/27/2014
Ok, finally I'm sending a happy B&B closure to this story? Please don't disappoint? Cuz it feels like I've been thru a fierce battle with this story... Man!
Bones2014 chapter 33 . 5/27/2014
Damnit Booth! They better not get blown up! You are absolutely killing me with this intense suspense!
Bones2014 chapter 32 . 5/27/2014
Wowzers is right! I can't read fast enough. & my job keeps interrupting? Ugh! This is killing me!
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