Reviews for A Lovely Trick
selinasinclaire chapter 7 . 9/13/2017
i loved your story It was so great i love this pair
A.R. Lore chapter 1 . 11/7/2012
This is my second time of reading this and I like it a lot.
insanityisablessedgift chapter 7 . 8/8/2012
ahhhhh! that was a great read! i fuckin loved Brendan(this is the best version of him by far) may was okay but oh, and liked how you made Wally(best version as well) the end was a bit rushed but not complaining! the romance in the story: beyond perfect 3
Guest chapter 6 . 7/12/2012
I cried during this chapter, this is the greatest fanfic i've ever read! LUV IT!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/11/2012
Excellent! at first i thought it was weird that she was all alone but it works really well. keep it up!
Gyarii chapter 7 . 6/10/2012
I love all the interactions of May and Brendan! Is it over or will there be another update? If so, please update soon!
PeeblesPls chapter 4 . 5/19/2012
Hey there! I read this story the other night and thought the dialogue in this chapter seemed a little familiar. Haha, I just watched it play out on Friends! Haha, how cool is that? Anyway, great story it's so funny. :)

sumire.syrup chapter 7 . 4/12/2012
I love how you characterize brendan and I also love te dialogue between the characters. I'm not sure if it's the ending but it did felt a bit rushed. It was really good up until drew came in. And it's not cos I don't like him xD I quite like him. It's just that when he came, things felt a bit rushed and forced. Other than that, brendan is definitely a gentleman.
nayuta chapter 7 . 9/25/2011
loved it :)

why did you rewrite it anyway ?

i didn't notice any changes

glad you updated 3
FlareBoostDrifloon chapter 1 . 9/24/2011
This is definitely my favorite hoennshipping fic :3
SwedenSpeedway chapter 6 . 9/22/2011
If it is over, then this was one sad story...
Jetzul chapter 5 . 9/11/2011

I read the entire story, and I liked it! I love Wally, enspecially when he's dreaming.

May...I don't really have an oppinion about her.

Brendan? He's AWESOME! He's the best out of the group!

I would really like to see how this turns up. I can't wait for the next chapter!

Great job!
Brady12Welker83 chapter 5 . 8/6/2011
Please update this soooon! I need to know what happens next!
ZXCVBNMEM chapter 5 . 6/4/2011
update soon please!
narusakufan1985 chapter 1 . 5/17/2011
This is a good story. Please continue. May and Brendan forever.
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