Reviews for Do You Remember Myrkr?
sistertotherain chapter 1 . 3/11/2014
You need to stop making me cry. I've gone on a reading binge of your work recently, and it's taking its toll on my tear ducts.
the brown cow chapter 1 . 9/13/2011
Wow... i like it
Larka Rinna Luna chapter 1 . 5/31/2011
Awww! That was so sweet! You know, I kept passing this over because, I love Mara, and I thought I wouldn't like it. The only reason I read it was because I needed to know how to spell Myrkr for my own story and this was the quickest way to check (I'm on my IPod. there's no spell check, not that it would know the spellling anyway, but I digress...) and I loved it! It was so sweet and there wasn't enough of Callista to make me hate it (I hate Callista with a passion) and now my train wreck of an emotional system is taking over and I'm about to cry. It was so sweet. And now I'm rambling. I really did like it. ~ Larka
haleyskywalker2 chapter 1 . 3/7/2011
You brought me to tears because of this story. So Sad and so romantic. I truly loved this story.
Ma Vie Merveilleuse chapter 1 . 3/4/2011
That was so sweet- and so heartbreaking. Thank goodness they ended up together...