Reviews for Again
Crazzy Catwoman chapter 1 . 5/28/2011
awwwww I like it, James is very tender, thank you for writing this beautiful story
spazmoid chapter 1 . 3/20/2011
I'm sure if you rewrite it it'll be even better than I already find it. [I find it fantastic.]

Second Para, First Sentence

typo: replace "things" with "thinks"

Para Thirty-five, Third Sentence

type: replace "livingroom" with "living room" [Honestly, I am unsure whether this is purposely or not. It looks swanky to me. I'm pointing it out just in case.]
Miss Fenway chapter 1 . 3/6/2011
Dear Rieley Rainbow Love Twin Fellow Brain Ninja,

this. This was actually a dream of mine. Not a dream when one is asleep because sleep is a rare occurrence for me. But an Angst Dream as Alex and I refer to our day dreams. Except that it would usually come to me at night when I couldn't fall asleep. No, I'm serious. 100%. But I'll start from the beginning and go from there.

First, your author's note. I love you forever and ever and I don't really care how horribly sappy that is because it's totally true. 'Project Love'. I wrote the story but it was YOUR idea and YOU edited it so HA. You win. Oh, and it's from my BTR universe which I love because Ryan Mitchell is the greatest thing ever next to Rick Rolle and Bandana Man.

And now onto the story. I think I can tell you now that I have on numerous occasions, had Angst Dreams about Logan getting lost in the cold and getting hypothermia and almost dying and James saving him. So last night I was watching 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' with Timmy and you posted it and I'm like, “STORY. MUST. READ.” I don't even remember what was happening in the movie at that point in time because I was so excited and I had to read almost every paragraph over again because I was being stupid for a change and skimming because I was so excited. And then I read it again and again and again and I lost count of how many times I read it but it was a whole lot, okay? Okay.

So silly Logan. I'm blaming Ryan Mitchell on the fact that he forgot his jacket. Because if Logan wasn't so distracted by how his dad never ever acknowledges him, then he would have remembered his jacket. He wouldn't have been in such a rush to get to James' house. Yes. Everything is Ryan Mitchell's fault aha. -slapped-

SIDENOTE: Falling to Fly is an amazing amazing person. So are you and Alex and my soul-mate Lauren. I love you guys so much I just might explode one of these days.

I really like how Logan was already. . . uh. . . fading and it was only the the -THREE GASP- paragraph. Like, how he forgot where he was going. That was great. I really loved that a whole lot.

And I just really love how I could literally read Logan getting worse and worse. Like when he stopped shivering and how he was afraid of getting a “headache” from walking into a tree. Because he stopped thinking very well. It was actually quite terrifying in a truly wonderful way that I read lots of times on its own.

Oh and then he fell and broke his wrist which was fantastic. Because no, you couldn't let him just fall and go unconscious because he was so cold and tired. He broke his wrist too. I love it. I also have a sick love of how you described him breaking his wrist. Bones make me all nauseous and I love that this made me feel a little sick. And I love that he was thinking that James would take care of his wrist for him. Adorable. And how he convinced himself that he could go to sleep. It made me think of 'To Build a Fire' by Jack London. I don't think that's the exact title but it's a short story and it's really good and this made me think of it. You should read it and see what I'm talking about. It's sad. :(

Hey, look I finally made it to James! Rieley, I hope you have anonymous reviewing allowed. You know. Just in case.

James was so freaking adorable and precious and cute in his little scene. Watching for Logan on the couch, looking out the window. Worrying. It was awesome. And he noticed that Logan was “particularly eager” to come to his house because he wanted to be with his BFF and not his loser dad. So he's watching and waiting and I thought of a puppy because I apparently think of puppies a lot with these boys.

But anyway, I like how James was wrestling with himself to stay or go look for Logan because each argument was really great and perfect. Then he was just like, “Ya know, I hafta go find Logiebear because I luv him and I'm purty sure that something's wrong and-” sdkgdtghth. Haha. No, but I think that James actually WANTED Logan to come walking up to his house, laughing at him for his overactive imagination. Because it would mean that he was safe which he obviously was not. Go James go! Yeah, and put your jacket on. That's a good boy.

Oh and then he found Logan in THREE (I need an intervention) minutes. And it was Logan and he was really scared. James needs a hug now.

NEW SCENE! I'm making progress slowly but surely. Rieley, this scene was terrific and amazing and other positive adjectives. But really, it's all an understatement so I'll just quote Falling to Fly on something she said about HOC. It's poetic angst, Rieley. I loved it. Beautiful. And there was crying and he saw his mom. Fix my heart, Rieley. It's broken. AGAIN. -slapped-

The scene in italics. Msdgvryh. Stop making me type gibberish, Rieley! But you like that, right? Right. I'm sorry if you actually hate it. -sobs- But really, it was once again, really great and I loved it and James was the best ever in it. James. Logan, James has you. It's all good. I just love how much emotion you conveyed in this little scene. So much care and more poetic angst. You're AMAZING.

NEW SCENE! This was my favorite scene ever and I promise to try my best to tell you why. Here we go.

Logan was naked. -dead- I shouldn't say that because it's horrible but I also loved the first sentence ever in this story because it made me think about Logan and clothes. Ok, I'm gonna be serious now. Wait. One more thing. Logan was naked and James undressed him. -shot- Okay, I'm really done now.

James was crying because Logan was stupid and forgot his jacket and almost died, thus scaring James out of his mind. I just love how James was totally on edge the entire time and then he finally broke down and Logan wanted to hug him but he couldn't because he was still so tired.

James took such good and perfect care of Logan. He remembered EVERYTHING and he saved Logan's life. He is a hero. And the wrist thing was adorable especially the part where Logan was like, “This wrist?” and James was like, “No, that wrist.” and Logan was like, “Ow OH YEAH”.

In my angsty mind, James didn't call an ambulance because the phones weren't working hahaha. I am evil. I need help. But actually Logan is right because he didn't need an ambulance because James knew what he was doing and it was all good. ALL GOOD.

Then they both cried which was beyond fantastic. And James just took care of Logan AGAIN (make me stop doing that) because he wins at life like you and Alex and Lauren and Falling to Fly (I love how it's all these names and then her pen name ahha) win at life in real life. And anyway, James and Logan talked and I loved that entire paragraph because James knew that Logan was going to be okay.


Then James was the best and told Logan to not ever ever forget his jacket AGAIN. The protective side. I adore it. And Logan promised he never would AGAIN. YES.

So I'm about done now. I have to go out in the rain and feed my horses and then get ready for dinner because we're having company. But thank you ever so much because I really really loved this a whole lot and I love you more okay?

Love your insane Rainbow Love Twin and Fellow Brain Ninja, Laura -hearts forever-

myers1978 chapter 1 . 3/5/2011
aaaw D I love those two, great story!
2 kool 2 spell 'kool' right chapter 1 . 3/5/2011
Im such a whore when it comes to Jagan. Even if this wasnt meant to be slash, I just loved the Jagan friendship anyway :)

This was realllly good. Like your writting, showed some pretty good talent.

Logan, Logie, Logie. Tsk, tsk, tskedy. He really shoudve worn that jacket.

I loved this all over! Great job!
Undergargle chapter 1 . 3/5/2011
This was fantastic- don't sell yourself short- it was brilliant! I've seen a million other fics like this one, and this was among the best :D. You should be really proud of this.

I'm sorry, I think I'm being patronising :L. But seriously, I really love this story :).
mandamichelle chapter 1 . 3/5/2011
this was amazing!it should be a two shot showing James taking Logan to the hospital and calling Kendall and Carlos and their parents showing up and have James still freaked out over it:)