Reviews for A Hollow Victory
Sassy Lil Scorpio chapter 1 . 3/12/2014
A really great story. Very well-written. I loved this introspection about Enobaria's life, how she related to Brutus -very complicated, very original, and a very good idea. I never realized, until you wrote it, that the Rebels leave Enobaria in the dust several times..perhaps because she's a Career? Anyway, there is so much that I enjoyed about this from her being very young to how she became who we see in Catching Fire, what happens during the rebellion, and her life afterward. I like the idea of Johanna, Gale, and Enobaria being friends. Overall-great wonderful work! I
thecatclouder chapter 1 . 7/6/2013
This is actually very good.
melliemoo chapter 1 . 4/25/2012
Wow, I really enjoyed this! I was searching for Enobaria stories and most of them are so bad, but this one rocked. I'm off to check out some of your other work.
Captain.Daisy.Adrianna.Grey chapter 1 . 3/27/2012
i really liked this, especially because you didn't focus on one scen the whole time. stories about Enobaria are so hard to find, especially good ones like this one. :)
marblesharp chapter 1 . 4/10/2011
Enobaria has always intrigued me. Thanks for writing this! It might as well be canon for me, it's that good!
Kabby-Bellarke-Life chapter 1 . 3/26/2011
Enobaria actually kind of is like a shark.
fully dead now chapter 1 . 3/7/2011
Whoa...I love this. It's okay in OOC, compared to one of mine, your interpretation.:DWe share some ideas. Coincidence.

I thought I found another person who supported BrutusxEnobaria. You stole my cue. :)

Write about Lyme. I won't be the first one, but that's okay.
hewhoistomriddle chapter 1 . 3/5/2011
Really well-written and great, realistic exploration of her character. I also really like that you care enough to include details of the world as Panem constructed it, cameos of other characters (especially Johanna) and, uh, that you didn't include so much melodrama.

Thanks for writing!