Reviews for Better
sskitty2006 chapter 30 . 7/15
You really need an epilogue where Harry and Ron find out.
1Cassiopeiablack chapter 31 . 6/11
zwohoo knew it but there were a lot of things I didn't think of over all it had a lot of aspects
loved ir
1Cassiopeiablack chapter 4 . 6/10
Soo I am on ch 4 and i have a feeling that this Blaise and Ginny's plan like just a feeling maybe it's false maybe it's true
sskitty2006 chapter 31 . 4/20
Amazing story! Are you going to write something more though ,because the end is a bit too sharp for me. I really want to know how Harry and Ron'll react.
blue2skie chapter 31 . 9/30/2019
Very cute!
Rouss Bz chapter 16 . 8/13/2019
Este capitulo apesta! Ginny termina con un beso de Draco y Hermione con un puño en su cara? Debería ser alrevez, los que an estado manipulando todos se van bien agusto felices y enamorados y la que menos culpa tiene en todo eso es la que recibe el daño, en fin.. me gusta la historia.. simplemente esto apesta! Si a Draco le gusta Hermione no debió besar a Ginny ni por venganza ni por nada, en ese caso Hermione también se merece un beso
Sophisticated Sage chapter 31 . 8/10/2019
Wow, what an insane series of events. Mind blown :O
Piertotum Locomoter chapter 19 . 6/16/2019
I don’t really think Hermione would ASK someone to kiss her...
PrettyPlease chapter 8 . 5/20/2019
Hey, I dont know if you’re still reading the comments here, but I love this catastrophically confusing love square... but can you please write a Dramione fanfic in Draco’s POV. I really like your writing and I thought I might be fun to indulge in the dragon’s mind
Ohboy chapter 1 . 5/20/2019
KingTJStevens chapter 31 . 4/30/2019
This is a pretty fun story though the characters all felt kind of ooc
daffodilvirgo23 chapter 1 . 1/7/2019
As always, I love your story. This one was also sweet. But I notice that you put Dumbledore and Snape here, while they should have died after the war (their deaths are vital to explain the war with Voldemort, right?).

I love Snape and Dumbledore. They were great characters, and I even cried when reading the part where Dumbledore died. But then again, I was always confused whenever they re-appeared in many after-war fanfics I read.
cquoise chapter 31 . 7/5/2018
would be so much BETTER if u could write more details for them. but still i love this so much!
Brookieb06 chapter 1 . 5/31/2018
this is a great story.
cynthiakavila chapter 31 . 5/8/2018

You are an AMAZING writer and this story is just PERFECT.

Ths last scene blew my mind !

Thank you with all my hart.

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