Reviews for I Need You Now
Lola Kristy chapter 1 . 8/13/2011
That was a really sweet sad story and i really liked it! :D i listened to the song whilst reading it too (admittedly i had to replay it like 500 times since i read so slow _) but fufu~ so sweet! i like it when Lavi and Yuu are portrayed like this. :) it's just the ending was a for my liking. But ah well!

Your grammar was a bit off in places but that's alright coz i got the idea. ;D
Cityonahill chapter 1 . 5/15/2011
ahh~~ what a brillian story D i swear, i love the way you write it is brilliant ! the way you express your characters emotions,man.. you are really good.

but i cant understand why you have so litte reviews (
Yueaifeng chapter 1 . 3/25/2011
Really sad, but it had the cutest ending ever. 3333
Oathi chapter 1 . 3/19/2011
It was great! With a nice twist at the end!