Reviews for Not Bad At All
Ryukai-MJ chapter 26 . 7/7/2015
Hey, I know you are not using your account, but I wanted to know if you updated this fanfic somewhere else? :3 I checked your livejournal but there is nothing there ( And I really like this fanfic and I want to know what happens next i-i
Guest chapter 15 . 3/5/2014
Guest chapter 5 . 3/4/2014
I've read a few chapters up to this one, all together w This is all very cute and nicely build!
MissNessarose chapter 26 . 1/16/2014
At this point, I'm hooked. I started this on a whim and it's very intriguing. The plot twists and the constant changes aren't overdone, they're just enough to keep anyone interested, and I'm very eager to see where this goes I look forward to the next update :3
asdgsgwegehsdheweqwsasf chapter 26 . 8/9/2013
Well, lemme tell you, this was a-ma-zing. I know this review is a year old but I've only recently been pulled back into the DW world and I fell in love with Wu and, being the stupid fangirl I am, went straight to shipping, which led me to fanfiction, which led me to this glorious work of prose.

I don't even know what to say. This... This fanfiction is just splendid. I'm shipping these two even harder than I did before and I think you absolutely nailed both Ling Tong and Gan Ning's personalities.

Though my pwecious Xunie... xD I know you had to make him a bit OOC here, and he's still cute. So no complaints from me. . w .

I'll be stalking your LJ shortly after I post this, and... Again, this is a masterpiece. Amazing job on this fanfiction!
FlowerGirly chapter 5 . 7/24/2013
Hey girl have more confidence in yourself, your story is great, I'm still reading, going on to chapter 6 now, I really love this story, your awesome!
The-Printer-Without-Ink chapter 26 . 1/9/2013
I added you on LJ (I'm Without_Ink) and I eagerly await any Dynasty Warriors updates, though I may just check out your other entries too. :3
BlackCatBexxie chapter 26 . 11/30/2012
Oh man, I realllllllly hope they cure him soon. It's breaking my heart to see Gan Ning and Lu Xun so distressed DX
And holy crap when I read that you were thinking of ending the story, I died a bit inside. YOU CAN'T GULL THIS IS MY LIFE RIGHT HERE. Seriously, I will follow you and your stories to the ends of the earth and back. That is how much I love you. And your stories.
Huredhiel chapter 26 . 11/16/2012
Ah everyone is going to livejournal. I don't know how to work my way around that site, that's why I try to stay away from it but I shall try for you and scav. I can't wait.
Allen Sario chapter 26 . 10/16/2012
As long as u continue this fic I'll follow u ANYWHERE!
ablueberrynight chapter 26 . 10/6/2012
poor ling tong, i hope the illness will just go away. will be sticking with this story until the end
S-chama chapter 26 . 9/26/2012
Oh golly, if it ended here I might curl up and cry (in a sad-happy way) because every time they cough up blood it never ends well and it would be the end of the fic!
You are doing such a great job with this and phooey on weenies who can't handle the wait-time. Long wait time just means it is instant Christmas whenever it updates!
(Also getting serious ants in the pants to find out just what is wrong with poor Ling Tong.)
Oooh, I can never coherent review but this fic is great and you are great and if there's more it will be great!
Vovo chapter 26 . 9/25/2012
I'm really sorry for what's happening to Ling Tong, it's so sad to see him like that. It's sweet though how Gan Ning loves him. Lu Xun and Lu Meng are pretty concerned too. I liked Lu Xun's determination in proving to Gan Ning he wasn't playing with Ling Tong's life. I liked Lu Xun hugging Ling Tong too :3 Good scene the blood one too.

I'm glad you're updating, don't worry about the amount of time you need to do it, just write when you feel like it. I think you should write the smut only if you're in the mood to do it, if you can imagine it part of the story. You know I added you as a friend on LJ, I'll read what you have here or there.

What I can say is that I'm almost certain there were fics deleted, but if it didn't happen until now, it probably won't happen to this fic. I think the ones that were deleted had inappropriate language in the titles or some things easier to spot for a mass deletion.

I'll be waiting for your next chapter, but there is no need to rush :)
Scytherageroses chapter 26 . 9/23/2012
Hi dear! Took ya long enough to post this! I'm kidding :p take your time, the worst stories are always the rushed stories.

Believe me, you've got all the support you need to keep this fic going!

As far as that adult content stuff goes, I'm not sure how lenient it is, actually. My smut yaoi fic hasn't been taken down yet(fingers crossed), and I haven't seen other rated M fics go either.

Either they're not really enforcing it, or..I don't know.

Give updating this here another shot, I don't think it can do any harm! :D

Keep up the good work, dear 3
thehornedcasanova chapter 25 . 9/9/2012
Ohh! Woe is me! I've reached the last chapter! My dear, please update very soon! I wont be able to bear it much longer! Great plot, by the way!
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