Reviews for Bullying
Andyh1 chapter 1 . 6/19/2011
So sad! And so beautifull...! 3
Ella Greggs chapter 1 . 3/19/2011
Good story, and a very plausible vision of Blaine's parents, given what we've heard on the show about his father. If they barely acknowledge that he's gay, it makes sense that they would be embarrassed that he was being harassed for it and just want to transfer him, instead of rallying to his defense at the original school.

You said to point out typos so here's the only one I spotted: "opening his bag to take off the books" - should be "take *out* the books"
Midnight Moonfly chapter 1 . 3/13/2011
Wow, this was so sad. It's very well written.
LopeDogg chapter 1 . 3/11/2011
i LOVE blaine;s old school life stories! i wish i could do my own; i have some really good ideas, but with schoolwork and all the other crap going on i can't even keep up with my existing stories! [

but i really liked this; you should continue! ]