Reviews for Into the Fire
tigerlily124 chapter 56 . 12/27/2017
Very good story! I liked the ending too. Thanks!
SpyAgent001 chapter 56 . 6/21/2013
Great! The writing has been fantastic, and I love it!
(Also, something to add to my review of Out of the Ashes' last chapter-I loved Goren's proposing twice, Ross losing and being put as captain somewhere else, all of the department plus the higher brass and Denise giving resignation letters, even Teresa the reporter was ok. I may not ship Mike Logan and Liz Rodgers, but you write them well. It's just not my ship. Oh well. Still, everything here and in that story was amazing.)

SpyAgent001 chapter 52 . 6/21/2013
All of it has been fantastic so far, but Alex going Captain of MCS on the uniformed officers who showed up was great. "Whichever makes you move faster." That was great.

luvztorite chapter 56 . 8/29/2011
Woohoo! What a great story. Sorry I didn't review each chapter, but I was so glued to it that I just hit 'next' to go on. It was so good! I love how you wrapped it up and made Gino a sympathetic character in the end. That was cool. Nice character arc for him. Hope to see more of Maas, too. He's a great ally for our superheroes. On to the next story!

luvztorite chapter 36 . 8/27/2011
Hmm, didn't expect that! I thought for sure that he was dirty. Now I have to cast my suspicions elsewhere.

luvztorite chapter 35 . 8/27/2011
I think Banta is in on it. If he wasn't originally on Hassan's payroll like Stahl, he has been since then. The scene in the warehouse with Banta shooting before they got the info they needed was just too fishy. I want Banta to be in on it. Great story!

luvztorite chapter 25 . 8/26/2011
They both should have socked him! What is his deal? Ugh! What a great scene though. Loved the dialogue between Logan/Sumere and Hassan. This was fabulous. Can't wait to read the rest!

luvztorite chapter 20 . 8/21/2011
I love Logan, he's such a smart aleck! Good foil for Goren and Eames, too.

luvztorite chapter 12 . 8/20/2011
This was a cute chapter, really enjoyed the dialogue between Johnny and Mary and then between all of them. I like this Johnny better than the one in the Free series, especially at the beginning of that series.

luvztorite chapter 6 . 8/20/2011
Poor Alex. What a day. You threw the book at her, didn't you?

luvztorite chapter 2 . 8/20/2011
Goren and Logan and a councilman? Oh, my!

ladyamnesty chapter 56 . 7/11/2011
Another awesome job! I was so stuck in this that I was up all night reading it. I love where you guys took this and once again you are spot on with the characters. I'm sure I am not alone in wanting to see this continue!
Weathergirl chapter 41 . 7/11/2011
Well, I'm hoping they can at least catch him and get rid of him. He's got enough money to hire a good lawyer and who knows what he'll get out of. They need to really drop a net on him, some tar and feathers, something!
Weathergirl chapter 40 . 7/11/2011
I like how they're narrowing this down, piece by piece, but there a lot of unknowns. Really wondering where Hassan is hiding out and who he's watching. Of course, he could have eyes all over the place. I hope they stay safe and at least find him before he finds them. Maas and their secret relationship is pretty much trivial in comparison.
Weathergirl chapter 39 . 7/11/2011
It's strange that he would start with Bobby's apartment. Really curious to hear what he found and what he left behind. Either way, it's not looking good! I hope Maas doesn't find anything like, say, an extra toothbrush. Really hope they catch this guy because they need to sleep again!
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