Reviews for The Life You Save
TheSilencer xD chapter 8 . 9/4/2019
I haven't been on here in awhile, I hope you still check your reviews: This story works on so many levels; from the language, to the form, to how you write the characters so...just wanted to say thank you for writing this!
Remnant Stars chapter 7 . 10/25/2018
I just wanted to thank you again for writing this. I've reread it a handful of times and I know I'll keep coming back to it eventually. It's cathartic in some sense. I miss the show and the characters and this story just fits them so well. I hope you're still writing somewhere, whether or not you publish it and that you keep your current stories up for people to enjoy as much as I do.
Marion the Geek chapter 8 . 7/18/2018
That was so good! Sensual and demanding, sweet and bitter...
LIZZIEC chapter 1 . 3/28/2018
Not sure you come to this site anymore, but just wanted to say that I love your writing. Just reread all your stories. Enjoyed them just as much as the first time when they were new.
howlingfantods chapter 1 . 1/3/2016
i reread this story for probably the tenth or twelfth time in the early hours of this morning (i was watching daredevil, which put me in a vdo mood, which automatically made me think of this) and realised i've never left a review for it. it is undoubtedly my favourite goren/eames fic and somewhere in my top five fics of all time, but it's also among the best things i've ever read generally. you understand these characters so well, and your writing is beautiful and deeply emotionally affecting in a way that is undiminished by multiple readings. there's always some line or moment i've forgotten about that catches me off-guard and gives me goosebumps. it's magic. i absolutely love this story. thank you for writing.
Guest chapter 8 . 12/28/2015
This is the best Goren/Eames story i've read. Believe me i've read all i can find. Just ran across yours on google search. The character's dialogue sounded like they would sound. You just got them down perfectly. Not too much, but just enough interaction between them. Beautiful. Thanks so much for writing this.
Remnant Stars chapter 8 . 8/12/2015
This was just so beautiful. When I started reading Eames/Goren stories a couple days ago, I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to read. I've started over a dozen, only finished a few. And this was it. It's so well written and it filled me with such great sorrow and joy and contentment. I loved it. By far my favorite for this pair. It had everything I could have hoped to find. Thank you so much for sharing.
obamagirl chapter 8 . 8/25/2014
This is the best thing ever. Thank you! Please, write more!
HeathRowTottie chapter 8 . 10/9/2013
Wow! This is something else, and then some! Totally enthralling story; beautifully written - witty, dramatic, poignant. Just loved every word, every syllable. Thank you so much for posting it.
sell chapter 8 . 1/2/2013
Translate portuguese in Google.
Entrei em seu perfil e li todas as suas fics. São muito intensas, Alex e Bobby ( principalmente Bobby) são quase uma absessão um para o outro. Cada fic de tirar o fôlego e os finais de cada uma muito singulares. Gostei de muitas, mas as favoritas são 'Red Treads', 'What the captain saw' e claro, esta que li a um tempo. Desde então você não postou mais nada. Tem planos para continuar? Espero que sim. Você é uma otima escritora. Bye.
PS. Quando SELL comentar, por favor sempre traduza do português para inglês, ok?
Carla chapter 8 . 1/2/2013
Beautifully written, great plot! What more can I say? You really pulled at my emotions and I'm really not that sentimental. Any chance of a sequel? I'm wondering if he will get to work with her again. But it doesn't matter I suppose, they're together...
JustAGirl24 chapter 8 . 11/28/2012
So damn beautiful. The tension was perfect, the pacing was wonderful. But mostly, you managed to convey their feelings and actions with sincerity and honesty. Amazing.
insubordinationfreak chapter 2 . 11/6/2011
This might be a fan fiction about a now-defunct TV show, but you my friend, are a fearless artist and writer. From comas to cuckoo's nests to courtrooms to kisses (and some nice asides in brackets). You are not a lazy author and I can't tell you how you made my Sunday afternoon with this story. Sincere thanks!
Veronica chapter 4 . 11/6/2011
Utterly brilliant. One of the best fan fictions I've ever read. Where the heck did this come from. Some other realm?
MariShal chapter 8 . 7/1/2011
Very sweet, cute, angsty, romantic and well written! I couldn't stop reading it till the end. And considering I haven't seen not 1 episode of this show, it only means you are talented.

Great story, thank you.
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